Books and monographs
2025ERI at BAS. (2025). Economic Development and Policies: Realities and Prospects. European Integration, Convergence and Cohesion. Sofia: ERI at BAS, 430 p., ISBN 978-954-9313-27-7 (pdf). ...Velkova, D., Kirilova, Y. (2025). Delegated Budgets in Schools – Fundamentals, Powers and Financial Resources. Sofia: ERI at BAS, 118 p., ISBN 978-954-9313-26-0 (pdf). The monograph presents...
2024Dimitrov, M., Keremidchiev, S., Bakardjieva, R., Chobanova, R., Hadzhiev, B., Nestorov, N., Stefanov, Ts., Yankov, I., Vojcheska, K., Taseva, G., Nedelchev, M. (2024). Structures, Governance,...Loukanova, P., Houbenova-Delisivkova, T. (2024). Labour Market Flexibility. Sofia: Prof. Marin Drinov Publishing House of Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, 158 p., ISBN 978-619-245-408-1 (in Bulgarian...Zareva, I., Kirova, A. (2024). Impact of COVID-19 on Human Capital in Bulgaria: Demographic and Educational Dimensions. Sofia: Economic Research Institute at BAS, 113 p., ISBN (online) 978-954-9313-...Milanova, A., Naydenova, P. (2024). Innovation Potential and Organisational Culture in Education (In the Discourse of Socioeconomic Anthropology). Sofia: Prof. Marin Drinov Publishing House of BAS,...ERI-BAS. (2024). Economic development and policies: realities and prospects. National and European challenges of the transition to green economy. Collection of articles presented at the Annual...
2023Beleva, I. (2023). Labour Market in Bulgaria: Dynamics, Structural Configuration and the New Challenges at the Beginning of XXI Century. Sofia: Economic Research Institute at BAS, 101 p., ISBN (...
2022Paliova, I. (2022). The Role of Public Finances for the Transition to a Green Economy and Sustainable Development of Bulgaria in 2021-2027. University Publishing House "St. Grigoriy Bogoslov", VUZF,...Paliova, I. (2022). Fiscal Stimulus and Effects of the European Structural Funds and Policies in Central and Eastern Europe. University Publishing House "St. Grigoriy Bogoslov", VUZF, 211 p., ISBN (...Economic Research Institute at Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (2022). International Scientific Conference Proceedings “Challenges of Bulgaria and Romania during the New Economic Reality” – 2021. Sofia...
2021Rangelova, R., Bobeva, D., Zlatinov, D. (2021). Economic Growth and Convergence in the European Union. Sofia: "Prof. Marin Drinov" Publishing House, 151 p., ISBN 978-619-245-152-3. In...Nestorov, N. (2021). Sustainability of the Bulgarian Export 2008-2019. Sofia: "Prof. Marin Drinov" Publishing House of BAS, 145 p. ISBN (print) 978-619-245-112-7, (e-book) 978-619-245-113-4.Kirova, A., Zareva, I. (2021). Academic Sphere and Business in Bulgaria: Status and Possibilities for Expansion of Cooperation. Sofia: Publishing House of BAS "Prof. Marin Drinov", 258 p. ISBN 978-...Beleva, I. (2021). Labour Market Policy in Bulgaria - Development and Features in the Period 2014-2020. Sofia: Publishing House of BAS "Prof. Marin Drinov", 176 p. ISBN 978-619-245-165-3. The...Keremidchiev, S., Nedelchev, M. (2021). Corporate Governance of State-Owned Enterprises: In Search of Solutions. Sofia: "Marin Drinov" Publishing House, 181 p., ISBN 978-619-245-138-7. The...
2020Nonchev, A., Mintchev, V., Zareva, I., Boshnakov, V., Bakalova, M., Misheva, M., Hristova, M. (2020). Returning migrants: segmentation and stratification of economic mobility. Findings, conclusions...Collection of articles from the International scientific conference „Economic Development and Policies – Realities and Prospects“ 2019, dedicated to the 70th Anniversary of the Economic Research...
2019Chobanova R. (ed.). (2019). Digitalisation and Circular Economy: Forestry and Forestry Based Industry Implications. 12, Union of scientists in Bulgaria, Woodema, ISBN 978-954-397-042-1, 11-22.
2018Chobanova, R. et al. (2018). Forestry Sector in Bulgaria and Macedonia. Sofia:ERI-BAS, 292 p., ISBN 978-954-931.Dimitrov, M. (2018). Economic Restructuring and State Enterprises Performance in Bulgaria (1989-1996). Sofia: GorexPress, 195 p., ISBN 978-954-616-287-8.
2017Compilers: Iskra Christova-Balkanska, Eduard Marinov Title: "Bulgaria and Romania: Country Members of the EU, Part of the Global Economy" Publisher: Economic Research Institute at BAS Year:...Kirova, A., Zareva, I., Matev, M. (2017). Bulgaria in the South-East European Higher Education and Research Area. Sofia: Economic Research Institute at BAS, 188 p. ISBN 978-954-9313-06-2 (in...Chobanova, R., Kotsarev, L. (eds.). (2017). Bulgarian-Macedonian scientific and innovation cooperation: Balkan and European perspectives. Sofia-Skopje: Economic Research Institute - BAS (ISBN 978-954...Dimitrov, M., Totev, S., Mochurova, M., Fiti, T., Polenakovich, R., Antovska-Mitev, M. (2017). Competitiveness and Innovation at Local and Regional Level – The Case of Northeast Planning Region in...Minassian, G. (2017). The Economic Crisis in Bulgaria: Policies and Sectors. LAP Lambert Academic Publishing, OmniScriptum Publishing Group, Balti, 2017 (imprint), 50 p., ISBN 978-3-330-34666-6.
2016Christova-Balkanska, I. (2016). La migration et les envois de fonds (remittances) dans les pays d'Europe du sud-est (cas de la Bulgarie). - In: Redslob, A. (ed.). Croissance, population et protection...
2015Marinov, E. (2015). Foreign trade relations between the European Union and the regional integration communities in Africa. 174 pp. ISBN 978-619-90568-0-6, E. (2015). Regional Economic Integration in Africa. 213 pp. ISBN 978-619-90568-1-3, S., Ruscheva, D., Todorov, P. (2015). Bulgaria's food balance: state and tendencies. Sofia, Roll Company, p. 188, ISBN 978-954-92236-5-1.Collective. (2015). Economic Growth: Incentives and Constraints. Sofia: GorexPress, 627 p., ISBN 978-954-616-258-8.Mintchev, V., Nenovsky, N., Richet, X. (2015). Western Balkans and the European Union. Lessons from Past Enlargements, Challenges to Further Integrations.
2014Zareva, I., Matev, M., Kirova, A. (2014). Higher Education and Science in Bulgaria. Economic, Social and Gender Dimensions. Sofia: Prof. Marin Drinov Publishing House of Bulgarian Academy of Sciences...Chobanova, R., (2014). ERAWATCH Country Reports 2013: Bulgaria; Publisher: Publications Office of the European Union, Jоint research Centre Publication N°: JRC913221; ISBN: 978-92-79-39478-2(pdf);...Chobanova, R., (2014). ERAWATCH Country Reports 2012: Bulgaria; Publisher: Publications Office of the European Union, JRC Publication N°: JRC83953; ISBN: 978-92-79-34508-1; ISSN 1831-9424; Other...Minassian G., Stoyancheva D., (2014). Parameters of Contemporary Financial and Economic Crisis in Bulgaria. LAP Lambert Academic Publishing, OmniScriptum GmbH & Co. KG, Saarbrücken, ISSN 978-3-...Stefanova, J., (2014). Consolidations among EU Stock Exchanges: A Comparative Study of Current and Potential Consolidation Processes among EU Stock Exchanges. Saarbrueken. Lambert Academic Publishing...Tzanov, V., Ivanova, P., Panteleeva, S., Bogdanov, B. (2014). Bulgaria: Rising Inequality in the Period of Transition and Restrictive Incomes Policy. - In: Changing Inequalities and Societal...
2013Iavor Marangozov. (2013). "Joint Ventures and Protection of Competition in Bulgaria". "Prof. Marin Drinov" Publishing House, Sofia, 114 p. ISBN 978-954-322-601-6 (published in Bulgarian) One of the...Adelina Milanova and Pavlinka Naidenova. (2013). "Human Capital Management in a Corporate Environment. Social-Anthropological Determination and Motivation". "Prof. Marin Drinov" Publishing House,...Rossitsa Chobanova, Alexander Tassev, Adelina Milanova, Pavlinka Naidenova. (2013). "Knowledge as an Economic Resource". "Prof. Marin Drinov" Publishing House, Sofia, 180 p. ISBN 978-954-322-560-6 (...Rangelova, R. and G. Sariiski. (2013). In: „Ageing in Bulgaria”. Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, "Prof. Marin Drinov" Academic Publishing House, Sofia, p. 124-139. ISBN 978-954-322-557-6.
2012Kirova, A., Zareva, I., Matev, M. (2012). Preservation and Development of Human Capital in Education and Science in Bulgaria. Sofia: Prof. Marin Drinov Publishing House of Bulgarian Academy of...Kirova, A. (2012). Political-economic historical approach of Werner Sombart and Max Weber. Sofia: Publishing Complex – UNWE, 105 p. ISBN 978-954-644-277-2. The monograph is devoted to the exploration...Rossitsa Chobanova. (2012). "Innovativeness of the National Economy". "Prof. Marin Drinov" Publishing House, Sofia, 434 p. ISBN 978-954-322-562-0 (published in Bulgarian) The monograph is...Labour Market and Social Protection in the Context of the Bulgarian Economic Development (1990-2011)Vasil Tsanov, Georgi Shopov, Iskra Beleva, Yordan Hristoskov, Pobeda Lukanova. (2012). "Labour Market and Social Protection in the Context of the Bulgarian Economic Development (1990-2011)". "Prof....Pobeda Loukanova. (2012). "Labor Resources - Utilization, Education and Skills (1990-2011)". "Avangard Prima" Publishing House, Sofia, 123 p. ISBN 978-619-160-006-9 (published in Bulgarian) The...Iskra Beleva. (2012). The European Labor Market Crisis. Employment Policies. "Prof. Marin Drinov" Publishing House, 141 p. ISBN 978-954-322-520-0 (published in Bulgarian) The current book analyzes...
2011Mintchev, V. Iskra Beleva. EU Labour Market Crisis and Recovery Policies. Bulgarian Response to the Crisis. VDM Verlag Dr. Müller, 2011, 100 p. ISBN: 978-3-639-36934-2. The book analyzes the...Iskra Beleva, Margarita Atanasova, Pobeda Lukanova, Vasil Tzanov. Flexicurity on the labour market in Bulgaria – situation and prospects. Compendium of reports. Ministry of Labour and Social Policy.Garabed Minassian. Breaking the Bulgarian Economic Model. Reasons and Projections. VDM Verlag Dr. Müller, 2011, 204 p. ISBN: 978-3-639-33580-4. The first part of the monograph analyzes fundamental...Rossitsa Chobanova. Innovativeness of a national economy. The case of Bulgaria. VDM Verlag Dr. Müller, 2011, 368 p. ISBN: 978-3-639-33005-2. The studied problem is how to increase innovativeness of a...
2010Kirova, A. (2010). New Keynesian Doctrine – Microeconomic Foundations and Connection with the Macroeconomic Policy. Sofia: University Publishing House “Stopanstvo” - UNWE, 182 p. ISBN 978-954-644-159.
2009Mintchev, V. International Migration and Remittances in the Balkans: the Case of Bulgaria. - In: Novotny, E., P. Mooslechner, D. Ritzberger-Grunwald, (eds.) The Integration of European Labor Markets...Tzanov, V. Bulgaria: A shift in minimum wage policy. - In: The Minimum Wage Revisited in the Enlarged EU. Edited by Daniel Vaughan-Whitehead. Prepared for the Conference "Minimum Wage Revisited in...
2008P. Roukova, S. Keremidchiev, M. Ilieva, E. Evgeniev Footwear Industry: Delocalisation and Europeanisation. In: Labrianidis L. (Ed), Moving Frontiers, р. 205-228, Ashgate, 2008.Totev, St. European Integration, Regional Structural Change and Cohesion in Bulgaria, Krieger-Boden, Morgenroth and Petrakos, (eds.) "The Impact of European Integration on Regional Structural Change...Rossitsa Rangelova in Youth Entrepreneurship and Local Development in Central and Eastern Europe. Edited by Paul Blokker and Bruno Dallago, Ashgate, 2008, p. 187-210.
2007Beleva, I., Tzanov V. Bulgaria: Towards a better balanced world of work - In: The evolving world of work in enlarged EU: Progress and vulnerability, ed. by Francois Eyraud, ILO, 2007, pp. 53-90.Mitchell Banks P., Niskanen A., Curl S., Chobanova R. and Carbone F. The impact of government legislation and policy on projects in private forestry, pp. 105-137 In: Niskanen, A. (ed.). ISSUES...
2006Ni Dhubhain A., Chobanova R., Karppinen H., Mizariate D., Ritter E., Slee B. and Wall S. The values and objectives of private forest owners and their influence on forestry behaviour: the implications...Y. Simachev, Minchev V. Legal Framework for Corporate Governance in Russian and Bulgarian transition economies.- In: Axel Sell and Alexander N. Krylov (Eds), Corporate Governance, Peter Lang...
Scientific projects
Researchers: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Dimitar Zlatinov – project leaderProf. Dr. Alexander TasevProf. Dr. Daniela BobevaProf. Dr. Victor YotzovAssoc. Prof. Dr. Grigor SariiskiAssoc. Prof. Dr. ...
Researcher: Chief Assist. Prof. Dr. Kristina Stefanova
Scientific consultant: Prof. Dr. Pobeda Loukanova
Implementation period: 18.09.2023 - 18.09.2025
The project is included in...
Research team:Prof. Dr. G. Chopov – team leaderAssoc. Prof. Dr. P. SalchevChief assist. Prof. Dr. Teodora Peneva
Period of implementation: 01.01.2023 - 01.11.2024The project was included in...
Researchers: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Victor Yotzov – team leaderProf. D.Sc. Garabed MinassianProf. Dr. Pobeda LukanovaAssoc. Prof. Dr. Dimitar ZlatinovAssoc. Prof. Dr. Grigor Sariiski
Term of...
Regional and sector economics
Researchers:Chief Assist. Dr. Maria Kotseva-Tikova - project leaderChief Assist. Dr. Milkana Mochurova-Georgieva
Scientific consultant: Prof. Dr. Stoyan Totev
Implementation period: 01.11.2023...
Researcher: Dr. Vira Lebedchenko
Scientific consultant: Prof. Dr. Daniela Bobeva-Filipova
Implementation period: 01.12.2023 - 01.12.2025The project is included in the scientific research program of...
Researcher: Prof. Dr. Stoyan Totev
Implementation period: 01.02.2024 - 31.01.2026The project is included in the scientific research program of the ERI at BAS at a meeting of the Scientific...
Researcher: Chief Assist. Prof. Dr. Dimitar Sabev
Scientific consultant: Prof. Dr. Spartak Keremidchiev
Implementation period: 01.11.2023 - 01.11.2025
The project has been included in the...
Researchers:Assoc. Prof. Dr. Petia Branzova – team leaderChif. Assist. Dr. Ani DimitrovaAssist. Dr. Anton Blagoev (UNWE)
Implementation period: 01.06.2023 - 01.06.2025
The project was included...
Researcher: Chief Assist. Prof. Dr. Petya Koralova-Nozharova Scientific consultant: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ognyan Boyukliev
Duration: 01.11.2022 - 31.10.2024
The project is included in...
Researcher: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ognyan Boyukliev
Term of project implementation: 01.06.2021 - 30.06.2023The project is approved by the Scientific Council for inclusion in the research programme...
Economics of the firm
Researcher: Assist. Prof. Dr. Radostina Shopova-van Linthoudt
Scientific consultant: Prof. Dr. Spartak Keremidchiev
Implementation period: 22.07.2024 - 02.01.2026
Researcher: Prof. D.Sc.Ph.D. Rossitsa Chobanova
Implementation period: 04.01.2023 – 03.31.2025
The project was included in the scientific research program of the ERI at BAS at a meeting of the...
Researcher: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Daniela Ventsislavova Georgieva
Implementation period: 18.12.2023 - 18.12.2025The project is included in the scientific research program of the ERI at BAS at a...
Researchers:Prof. Dr. Radostina Bakardjieva – team leaderAssoc. Prof. Dr. Milena AngelovaAssoc. Prof. Dr. Nedialko NestorovChief Assist. Prof. Dr. Ivailo YankovChief Assist. Prof. Dr. Katerina...
Researchers:Prof. Dr. Spartak Keremidchiev – team leaderAssociate Prof. Dr. Dochka VelkovaAssociate Prof. Dr. Yana Kirilova
Implementation period: 31.03.2023 - 31.10.2025The project was...
Researchers: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Adelina Milanova – team leader Assoc. Prof. Dr. Pavlinka Naydenova
Implementation period:01.04.2023 - 01.04.2025
The project was included in the scientific...
Realization: Prof. Dr. Plamen Tchipev
Duration: 01.05.2022 - 31.10.2024
The planned project is included in the research program of the ERI at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences at a...
Researchers: Prof. Dr. Alexander Tasev – project leader Prof. Dr. Daniela Bobeva-Filipova Eng. Anton Ivanov Eng. Dr. Stefan Sulakov Chief Assistant Dr. Teodora Peneva Chief Assist. Dr. Nedyalko...
Researcher: Prof. Vesselin Mintchev
Deadline: 31.03.2020 - 30.09.2022
The project is included in the research program of Economic Research Institute at the BAS at Scientific council of the Institute...
International economics
Research team:Prof. Virginia Zhelyazkova, DSc, Ph.D. – team leaderProf. Rositsa Rangelova, DSc, Ph.D.Assoc. Prof. Eduard Marinov, Ph.D.Assoc. Prof. Yana Palova, Ph.D.
Implementation period: 18.12....
Researcher: Assist. Dr. Atanas Pavlov
Scientific consultant: Prof. Dr. Emil Panusheff
Implementation period: 22.12.2023 – 30.06.2025
The project has been included in the Scientific...
Researcher: Chief Assistant Prof. Dr. Julia Stoyancheva Stefanova
Scientific Consultant: Prof. Dr. Radostina Bakardjieva
Implementation period: 01.06.2022- 30.09.2024
The project was approved...
Researchers:Prof. Dr. Emil Panusheff – team leaderProf. Dr. Iskra Hristova-BalkanskaProf. Dr. Tatyana Hubenova-DelisivkovaChief Assist. Prof. Dr. Eduard MarinovAssoc. Prof. Dr.Virginia Ivanova (Varna...
Researchers: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Dimitar Zlatinov – project leaderProf. Dr. Pobeda LoukanovaProf. Dr. Victor YotzovAssoc. Prof. Dr. Grigor SariiskiAssoc. Prof. Dr. Teodora PenevaChief...
Researcher: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Iana Paliova
Scientific consultant: Prof. Dr. Tatyana Houbenova-Delisivkova
Time frame: 01.10.2022 - 30.09.2024The project was adopted as completed by the Scientific...
Researcher: Dr. Vira Lebedchenko
Implementation period: 15.11.2022 - 31.05.2023, extended to 30.11.2023.The project was approved as completed at a meeting of the Scientific Council with protocol No...
Researchers: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Yana Kirilova – project leaderAssoc. Prof. Dr. Dochka Velkova
Scientific consultant: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Stefan Ivanov
Researcher: Assoc. Prof. Milena Angelova, PhD
Scientific consultant: Assoc. Prof. Pavlinka Naydenova, PhD
Time frame: 01.12.2021 - 30.11.2023
The project was adopted as completed by the Scientific...
Researchers: Prof. Dr. Irena Zareva – project leader Prof. Dr. Alla Kirova
Implementation period: 01.10.2020 – 30.09.2023, extended to 31.05.2024The project was adopted as completed by the...
Researchers: Prof. Dr. Stoyan Totev – team leaderChief Assist. Prof. Dr. Milkana Mochurova-GeorgievaChief Assist. Prof. Dr. Maria Kotseva-Tikova
Implementation period: 01.04.2020 - 31.03.2022,...
Researchers:Prof. Dr. Victor Yotzov – project leaderChief Assist. Prof. Dr. Sonya Georgieva
Term of implementation: 01.06.2020 – 31.10.2022, extended to 30.06.2024.The project was approved by...
Researchers: Prof. Dr. Mitko Dimitrov – project leaderProf. D.Sc. Rositsa ChobanovaProf. Dr. Spartak KeremidchievProf. Dr. Radostina BakardzhievaProf. D.Sc. Bozhidar HadjievAssoc. Prof. Dr. Nedyalko...
Reseacrhers: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Dimitar Zlatinov – project leaderProf. Dr.Sc. Rossitsa RangelovaProf. Dr. Daniela Bobeva-FilipovaAssoc. Prof. Dr. Grigor SariiskiAssoc. Prof. Dr. Victor...
Project team: Assist. Prof. Dr. Alexander ApostolovProf. D.Ec.Sc. Rossitsa Rangelova - Scientific consultant
Implementation period: 01.12.2021 – 30.11.2023The project has been approved as...
Researcher: Assist. Prof. Dr. Dimitar SabevScientific Consultant: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ognyan Boyukliev
Implementation period: 01.11.2021 – 01.11.2023The project has been approved as completed by the...
Researcher: Prof. Dr. Iskra Beleva
Term of project implementation: 01.11.2021 - 01.11.2023
The project was approved as completed at a session of the Scientific Council with Rec. № 14 as...
Researchers: Prof. Dr. Darina Ruscheva– team leader Assoc. Prof. Dr. Sasha Grozdanova Assoc. Prof. Dr. Petia Branzova Assist. Prof. Dr. Ani Dimitrova
Deadline: 01.06.2021 - 01.06.2023...
Researchers: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Pavlinka Naydenova – team leaderAssoc. Prof. Dr. Adelina Milanova
Implementation period: 01.10.2020 – 01.10.2022, extended till 01.04.2023.
The project was...
Researcher: Prof. Dr. Stoyan Totev
Implementation period: 01.04.2020 – 31.03.2022, extended till 31.01.2024.
The project was adopted as completed at a meeting of the Scientific Council with...
Researchers:Prof. Dr. Pobeda Lukanova – team leaderProf. Dr. Tatyana Hubenova-Delisivkova
Period of implementation: 01.11.2020 – 01.11.2022, extended till 30.04.2023The project was adopted for...
Research team:Prof. Emil Panusheff – team leaderProf. Iskra Hristova-BalkanskaProf. Tatyana Hubenova-DelisivkovaChief assistant Dr. Yulia StefanovaChief assistant Dr. Eduard MarinovChief assistant Dr...
Research team:Prof. Dr. Daniela Bobeva-Filipova – project managerProf. Dr.Sc.(Econ.) Virginia Zhelyazkova – VUZFProf. Dr. Svetlana Aleksandrova - UNSSChief Assist. Prof. Iana Paliova
Researchers: Prof. D. Ec.Sc. Rossitsa Rangelova – project leaderProf. Dr. Daniela Bobeva-FilipovaAssoc. Prof. Dr. Grigor SariiskiAssoc. Prof. Dr. Dimitar ZlatinovAssoc. Prof. Dr. Atanas Atanasov (...
Researchers:Prof. D.Econ.Sc. Vasil Todorov – leaderProf. D.Econ.Sc. Dyanko MinchevProf. Dr. Borislav GradinarovProf. Dr. Alexander TassevProf. Dr. Plamen ChipevProf. Dr. Ivaylo BeevProf. Dr. Vera...
Researcher: Assoc. Professor Baki Hyuseinov PHD
Term of implementation: 01.11.2019 – 01.11.2021 г.
The project was approved for completion at a meeting of the Scientific Council with protocol...
Reseacrhers: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Dimitar Zlatinov – project leaderProf. Dr. Iskra Christova-BalkanskaProf. Dr. Pobeda LoukanovaProf. Dr. Georgi ShopovProf. Dr. Emil PanusheffProf. Dr...
Researcher: Chief assist. prof. Dr. Petya Koralova-Nozharova Scientific consultant: Prof. Dr. Darina Ruscheva
Period of implementation: 01.11.2020 – 30.10.2022
The project was...
Researchers: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Stefan Ivanov – project leaderChief Assist. Dr. Yana KirilovaChief Assist. Dr. Dochka Velkova
Period of implementation: 01.01.2019 – 30.11.2021
The project was...
Researchers: Prof. Georgi Shopov – team leaderChief Assist. Prof. Theodora Peneva, PhD
Period of implementation: 30.09.2020 - 30.01.2022.
The project was approved by the Scientific Council of...
Researchers: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Victor Yotzov – team leaderProf. DSc. Garabed MinassianProf. Dr. Pobeda LukanovaAssoc. Prof. Dr. Dimitar ZlatinovAssoc. Prof. Dr. Grigor Sariiski
Terms of implementation...
Researchers:prof. Georgi Shopov, PhD - team leaderprof. Vassil Tzanov, PhDprof. Yordan Hristoskov, PhD
Period of implementation: 01.11.2019 – 01.11.2021The project was approved by the...
Researchers:Assoc. Prof. Vasil Tsanov, PhD – project leaderAssistant Tsvetomir Tsvetkov, PhD
Term of implementation: 30.10.2019 – 30.10.2021The results of the research project were approved by...
Prof. Dr. Iskra Christova-Balkanska – project leaderProf. Dr. Daniela Bobeva-FilipovaChief Assistant Dr. Teodora PenevaChief Assistant Dr. Anton Kostadinov
Term of...
Researchers: Prof. Dr. Bozhidar Hadjiev – project leaderProf. Dr. Mitko DimitrovChief Assistant. Dr. Galya TasevaDr. Iva Bachvarova
Term of performance: 06/18/2016 - 06/18/2019, extended to...
Researcher: Prof. Dr. Iskra Beleva
Term of implementation: 01.11.2019 – 01.11.2021
The project was approved as completed at a meeting of the Scientific Council with Protocol № 7 on 16.06.2021....
Researchers:Assoc. Prof. Dr. Adelina Milanova – project leaderAssoc. Prof. Dr. Pavlinka Naydenova
Term of performance: 01.04.2018 – 31.03.2020, extended until 30.09.2020
The project was approved as...
Researchers: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Victor Yotzov – team leaderProf. Dr. Yordan HristoskovProf. Dr. Pobeda LukanovaAssoc. Prof. Dr. Dimitar ZlatinovChief Assistant Professor Dr. Nedyalko Nestorov.
Terms of...
Researchers:Prof. Dr. Irena Zareva – project leaderProf. Dr. Alla Kirova
Period of performance: 01.01.2017 – 31.03.2020, extended till 30.09.2020.
The project was approved as a completed at a...
Researchers:Prof. Dr.Ec.Sc. Rossitsa Rangelova – project leaderProf. Dr. Daniela Bobeva-FilipovaAssoc. Prof. Dr. Dimitar Zlatinov
Term of performance: 07.01.2018 – 07.01.2020
The project was approved...
Researchers: Prof. Dr. Emil Panusheff – project leaderProf. Dr. Tatiana Hubenova-DelisivkovaProf. Dr. Iskra Christova-BalkanskaChief Assistant Professor Dr. Julia StefanovaChief Assistant...
Researchers: Prof. Dr. Stoyan Totev – project leaderChief Assistant Professor Dr. Milkana Mochurova-GeorgievaChief Assistant Professor Dr. Maria Kotseva-Tikova
Period of performance: 01.09.2016 - 31....
Researchers: Prof. Dr. Radka Ileva-Filkova – project leaderChief Assistant Professor Dr. Tsanko Stefanov
Period of performance: 17.06.2016 - 17.06. 2019, extended till 30.09.2020.
The project was...
Researchers: Prof. Spartak Keremidchiev PhD – project leaderChief Assist. Prof. Miroslav Nedelchev PhD
Period of performance: 01.01.2016 – 31.12.2019, extended period for performance with 5 months –...
Researchers: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Stefan Ivanov – project leaderChief Assist. Dr. Yana KirilovaChief Assist. Dr. Dochka VelkovaEconomist Yuliana Iskrenova
Project term: 01.03.2016 – 31.12.2018
Researchers: Assoc. Prof. Victor Yotzov, PhD – project leaderAssistant Sonya Georgieva, PhD
Term of implementation: 01.03.2019 - 31.05.2020
The results of the research project were approved by the...
conducted by Assistant Professor Eduard Marinov, PhD
Approved by Scientific Council with record No 9/11.11.2015
Scientific contributions
The study assesses the overall economic situation of regional...
Executor: Senior Assistant Professor Julia Stefanova, PhDTerm of execution: 30.05.2013 – 30.05.2015
The research project analyzes and evaluates the institutional initiatives of the EU for...
Prof. Dr. Iskra Beleva - project leaderProf. Dr. Vasil TsanovDr. Desislava Dimitrova
Adopted for completed planning project by the National Assembly at a meeting on 19.02.2014 (record № 2)
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Margarita Fileva
Term of implementation: 01.01.2010 - 01.06.2012
Chief Assist. Dr. Yavor Marangozov
Objective: To reveal the current issues of legal protection of competition in relation to the joint ventures with Community measurement in the EU and those...
Chief Assist. Dr. Katerina Voicheska
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Pavlinka Naidenova
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Adelina Milanova
Reviewers: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mathew Matev and Assoc. Prof. Dr. Margarita Fileva
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Stefan Ivanov
Chief Assist. Dr. Nikolay Naidenov
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nikolay Chkorev
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Veselina Grigorova
Prof. Dr. Iskra Beleva - leaderProf. Dr. Vasil TsanovProf. Dr. Stoyan TotevAssoc. Prof. Dr. Grigor SariiskiChief Assist. Dr. Viktor YotsovChief Assist. Dr. Emil KalchevLubomir DimitrovIglika...
Prof. Dr. Mitko Dimitrov - leaderProf. Dr. Radka IlevaProf. Dr. Bojidar HadjievAssoc. Prof. Dr. Tsvetan KotsevChief Assist. Tsanko Stefanov
Deadline: June 2013 - June 2016
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Adelina Milanova - leaderAssoc. Prof. Dr. Pavlinka Naidenova
Deadline - 31.05.2015
To reveal the interaction between corporate social capital and motivation as a...
Assist. Nadejda Kraicheva
Term: 01.11.2012 - 31.03.2015
Goal of the project:
Studying and identifying the specifics of the delivery chain in tourism and the opportunities for its better...
Chief Assist. Dr. Maria Kotseva-Tikova - coordinator
Chief Assist. Dr. Milkana Mochurova
Term: 01.09.2012 - 01.09.2014
Prof. Dr.Sc.(Econ.) Rossitsa Rangelova
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Veselina Grigorova
Reviewer: Prof. Dr.Sc.(Econ.) Asen Kovachev
Chief Assist. Dr. Nikolay Naidenov
Prof. Dr. Yordan Hristoskov - leader
Prof. Dr. Iskra Beleva
Prof. Dr. Vasil Tsanov
Prof. Dr. Georgi Shopov
Prof. Dr. Pobeda Lukanova
Reviewers: Prof. Margarita Atanasova and Prof....
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nikolay Galabov
Reviewer: Prof. Dr.Sc.(Econ.) Metodi Hristov
Chief Assist. Dr. Maria Kotseva - leader
Chief Assist. Dr. Milkana Mochurova
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Galia Bardarska
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Margarita Fileva
Deadline: 01.06.2012 – 31.12.2014
Assist. Dr. Julia Stefanova
Deadline: 01.12.2012 - 30.05.2013
Evaluating the main forms of risk capitals and their potential impacts on the innovative SME and on the development of the...
Assist. Dr. Jivka Kalaidgieva
Deadline: 01.12.2012 – 30.05.2013
The goal of the project is to analyze the suggestions for reform in the financial ensurance of the EU convergence policy for the...
Chief. Assit. Dr. Anton Kostadinov
Deadline - 01.12.2012 to 30.05.2013
The project goal is empirical and theoretical study of the price fcator on the international grain market, particularly...
Chief Assist. Dr. Miroslav Nedelchev
Chief Assist. Dr. Nikolay Naidenov
Term - 01.10.2012 - 30.09.2014
Prof. Dr.Sc.(Econ.) Rossitsa Chobanova
Prof. Dr. Alexander Tasev
The project was approved for completion at a meeting of the National Assembly with record № 02 of 18.02.2015.
Prof. Dr. Radka Ileva
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Veselina Grigorova
Reviewer: Prof. Dr.Sc.(Econ.) Ivan Stoikov
Prof. Dr. Emil Panusheff
Prof. Dr.Sc.(Econ.) Nina Yankova - leader
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nikolay Chkorev
Reviewers: Prof. Dr.Sc.(Econ.) Stanka Tonkova and Prof. Dr. Nadejda Nikolova
Prof. Dr. Plamen Tchipev
Reviewer: Prof. Dr.Sc.(Econ.) Ilia Georgiev Kejov
Prof. Dr. Radka Ileva
Reviewer: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Kiril Petrov
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mathew Matev - leader
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Alla Kirova
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Irena Zareva
Reviewers: Prof. Dr.Sc.(Econ.) Rossitsa Chobanova and Prof. Dr. Atanas Kazakov
Prof. Dr.Sc.(Econ.) Garabed Minassian
Reviewer: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Vladimir Tsarevski
Prof. Dr. Pobeda LukanovaLudmila Mavrudieva
Deadline: 01.11.2011 - 01.06.2014
Object of study: protection in unemployment in Bulgaria in 1990-2012
Subject of study: changes in the specifics of...
Prof. Dr.Sc.(Econ.) Garabed Minassian
Deadline: July 2011 - June 2013
Object of study: interest levels and their forming in the conditions of market economy in their whole and mutual...
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Stefan Ivanov - leaderProf. Dr. Yordan HristoskovProf. Dr. Georgi ShopovChief Assist. Dr. Yana KirilovaChief Assist. Dr. Dochka VelkovaJuliana Iskrenova
Object of study:...
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mathew MatevAssoc. Prof. Dr. Alla KirovaAssoc. Prof. Dr. Irena Zareva
Deadline: 01.07.2011 - 30.11.2013
Object of study: higher education and science in Bulgaria...
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Petko Salchev, DM
Deadline: 01.12.2011 – 01.12.2013
Object of study: market of health services in Bulgaria in 2001-2011
to develop and apply a model of...
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nikolay Galabov
Deadline: 01.10.2011 - 30.09.2013
Object of the study - indirect taxes in Bulgaria and CEE
to follow the transformation of the sub-systems of...
Chief Assist. Dr. Viktor Yotsov
The main goal of the study is to describe, measure and evaluate the changes in the financial sector in Bulgaria due to the global financial crisis in...
Prof. Dr. Vesselin Mintchev
Goals and tasks:
Evaluating the determinants for making decision for emigration; identifying the attitudes, satisfaction and inclusion of the returning emigrants....
Prof. Dr. Mitko Dimitrov - leaderAssoc. Prof. Dr. Valchin DaskalovAssoc. Prof. Dr. Plamen TchipevAssoc. Prof. Dr. Radostina BakardgievaAssoc. Prof. Dr. Spartak KeremidchievAssist. Nadejda Anastasova...
Prof. Dr. Tatiana Houbenova-Delissivkova - leaderProf. Dr. Iskra Christova-BalkanskaProf. Dr. Emil PanusheffAssoc. Prof. Dr. Vladimir TsarevskiChief. Assist. Dimitar Statev
In the...
Prof. Dr. Emil Panusheff
The goal is to analyze the structure of economic relations with the countries, included in the EU initiative "Southern Partnership", by formulaing opportunities,...
Prof. Dr. Iskra Christova-Balkanska
Revealing main aspects of evolution of FDI coming to Bulgaria and their influence on the opportunities for financing the current payment balance in...
Prof. Dr. Tatiana Houbenova-Delissivkova
to evaluate the specifics of the financial liberalization and to analyze the role of the financial sector in the economic growth and...
Assist. Galia Iordanova Taseva
Subject of the study is the trade crediting betweeen the non-financial enterprises in Bulgaria.
Goal of the project:
Main goal of the project is revealing the...
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Stefan Ivanov
Chief Assist. Yana Kirilova
Juliana Iskrenova
Goal of the project:
To support the fuller assimilation of financial resources for municipal investments in the...
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Darina Ruscheva - coordinator
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Petko Todorov
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Sasha Grozdanova
Goal of the project:
To evaluate the state and to outline the tendencies in the...
Prof. Dr. Stoyan Totev - coordinator
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Grigor Sariiski
Goal of the project:
Stimulating local industry suggests acquiring a clear vision of the factors determining its...
Chief Assist. Dr. Dochka Velkova - coordinator
Chief Assist. Dr. Yana Kirilova
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Eng. Galia Bardarska
Goal of the project:
To reason the necessity and to develop mechanisms for...
Prof. Dr. Lilia Chankova
Goal of the project:
Establishing and evaluating the state of the logistic management of the firms in Bulgaria and presenting a reasoned view on the implementing of...
Prof. Dr.Sc.(Econ.) Rossitsa Chobanova - leader
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Alexander Tasev
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Pavlinka Ileva-Naidenova
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Adelina Milanova
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Spartak Keremidchiev - leader
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Pavlinka Ileva-Naidenova
Reviewers: Prof. Dr.Sc.(Econ.) Ilia Georgiev and Assoc. Prof. Dr. Lubomir Stefanov
Prof. Dr. Vesselin Mintchev - leader
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Roska Petkova
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Radostina Bakardjieva
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Grigor Sariiski
Chief Assist. Dr. Milena Angelova
Chief Assist. Dr....
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Petko Todorov - leader
Prof. Dr.Sc.(Econ.) Petko Avramov
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Darina Ruscheva
Reviewers: Prof. Dr.Sc.(Econ.) Nikola Valchev and Assoc. Prof. Dr. Dimiter...
Chief Assist. Dr. Milkana Mochurova
Reviewer: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nikolay Chkorev
Prof. Dr.Sc.(Econ.) Angel Dimov
Reviewer: Prof. Dr.Sc.(Econ.) Ivan Kunchev, UNWE
Prof. Dr.Sc.(Econ.) Nikola Valchev - leader
Prof. Dr.Sc.(Econ.) Ludmil Petkov
Reviewers: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Rumen Popov and Assoc. Prof. Dr. Darina Ruscheva
Prof. Dr. Stoyan Totev
Reviewer: Prof. Dr.Sc.(Econ.) Rossitsa Rangelova
Prof. Dr.Sc.(Econ.) Vasil Todorov - leader
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nikolay Igov
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Paraskeva Dimitrova
Reviewers: Prof. Dr.Sc.(Econ.) Todor Todorov and Assoc. Prof. Dr. Vera...
Prof. Dr.Sc.(Econ.) Garabed Minassian
Reviewer: Prof. Dr.Sc.(Econ.) Ivan Stoikov
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nikolay Galabov
Reviewer: Prof. Dr.Sc.(Econ.) Garabed Minassian
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Alla Kirova
Reviewer: Prof. Dr.Sc.(Econ.) Atanas Leonidov
Prof. Dr. Pobeda Lukanova
Reviewer: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Alla Kirova
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Grigor Sariiski
Reviewer: Dr. Maria Vidolova, Sofia University
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Margarita Fileva
Reviewer: Prof. Gocho Gochev, UNWE
Chief Assist. Dimiter Statev
Prof. Dr. Iskra Christova-Balkanska
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mathew Matev
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Irena Zareva
Reviewer: Prof. Dr. Blagoi Kolev, UNWE
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Darina Ruscheva
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Petko Todorov
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Sasha Grozdanova
Reviewers: Prof. Dr.Sc.(Econ.) Ludmil Petkov and Assoc. Prof. Dr. Rumen Popov
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Valentina Grozdeva
Reviewer: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Paraskeva Dimitrova
Prof. Dr.Sc.(Econ.) Rossitsa Rangelova
Reviewer: Prof. Dr. Vasil Tsanov
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Kapka Stoyanova
Reviewer: Prof. Dr.Sc.(Econ.) Ludmil Petkov
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ivanka Kraininska
Reviewer: Prof. Dr. Iskra Christova-Balkanska
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Vladimir Tsarevski
Reviewer: Prof. Dr.Sc.(Econ.) Milcho Stoimenov
Prof. Dr.Sc.(Econ.) Nina Yankova - leader
Prof. Dr. Georgi Shopov
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nikolay Chkorev
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Stefan Ivanov
Chief Assist. Dr. Yana Kirilova
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Veselina Grigorova
Reviewer: Prof. Dr.Sc.(Econ.) Ivan Stoikov
Prof. Dr. Iskra Beleva - leader
Prof. Dr. Vasil Tsanov
Chief Assist. Dr. Dochka Velkova
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Alexander Tasev
Prof. Dr. Emil Panusheff - leader
Assoc. Prof. Maria Lazarova
Assoc. Prof. Vladimir Tsarevski
Prof. Dr. Iskra Christova-Balkanska
Chief Assist. Dimiter Statev
Reviewer: Prof. Dr.Sc.(...
Prof. Dr.Sc.(Econ.) Angel Dimov
Reviewer: Prof. Dr. Svetla Bachvarova
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Adelina Milanova
Reviewer: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mathew Matev
Prof. Dr. Stoyan Totev
Reviewer: Prof. Dr. Emil Panusheff
Chief Assist. Dr. Nikolay Naidenov
Reviewer: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Vasil Sivov
Chief Assist. Dr. Milkana Mochurova
Reviewer: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Katinka Mihova
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Savash Orhan Iozioldash
Reviewer: Prof. Dr. Emil Panusheff
Prof. Dr. Pobeda Lukanova - leader
Prof. Dr. Iskra Beleva
Prof. Dr. Vasil Tsanov
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Irena Zareva
Reviewers: Prof. Dr.Sc.(Econ.) Rossitsa Rangelova and Prof. Dr. Georgi...
Prof. Dr. Plamen Tchipev
Reviewer: Prof. Dr.Sc.(Econ.) Miroslav Mateev
Assist. Georgi Getov
Reviewer: Prof. Dr.Sc.(Econ.) Rossitsa Rangelova
Prof. Dr.Sc.(Econ.) Rossitsa Rangelova
Reviewer: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Milanka Slavova
Prof. Dr. Vasil Tsanov
Reviewer: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Margarita Atanassova, UNWE
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Radostina Bakardjieva
Reviewer: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Roska Petkova
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nikolay Galabov
Reviewer: Prof. Dr.Sc.(Econ.) Velcho Stoyanov
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Margarita Fileva
Reviewer: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mathew Matev
Prof. Dr.Sc.(Econ.) Ludmil Petkov - leader
Prof. Dr.Sc.(Econ.) Nikola Valchev
Reviewers: Prof. Dr.Sc.(Econ.) Gocho Gochev and Assoc. Prof. Dr. Roska Petkova
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Petko Todorov - leader
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Darina Ruscheva
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Sasha Grozdanova
Reviewers: Prof. Dr.Sc.(Econ.) Rangel Trendafilov and Prof. Dr.Sc.(Econ.)...
Prof. Dr. Vesselin Mincthev - leader
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Roska Petkova
Chief Assist. Dr. M. Angelova
Chief Assist. Dr. Raina Tsaneva
Reviewer: Prof. Dr.Sc.(Econ.) I. Georgiev and Assoc....
Prof. Dr.Sc.(Econ.) Nina Yankova - leader
Prof. Dr. Georgi Shopov
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nikolay Chkorev
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Stefan Ivanov
Chief Assist. Dr. Yana Kirilova
Reviewers: Prof. Dr....
Prof. Dr. Lilia Chankova
Reviewer: Prof. Ivan Velev
Prof. Dr.Sc.(Econ.) Rossitsa Rangelova
Reviewer: Prof. Dr.Sc.(Econ.) Ivan Stoikov
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Veselina Grigorova
Reviewer: Prof. Dr.Sc.(Econ.) Ivan Stoikov
Applied projects
Chief Assist. Dr. Yana Kirilova - leader
Prof. Dr. Georgi Shopov
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Spartak Keremidchiev
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Stefan Ivanov
Chief Assist. Dr. Dochka Velkova
Prof. Dr.Sc.(Econ.) P....
First stage
Assoc. Prof. Tsvetan Kotsev - leader
Prof. Dr. Radka Ileva - leader
Prof. Dr. Mitko Dimitrov
Deadline: 16.12.2009 – 15.06.2014
Source of financing: Science Fund
Prof. Totkov - leader
Prof. Dr.Sc.(Econ.) Maria Sotirova
Chief Assist. A. Vladikov
Prof. Dr. Plamen Tchipev
Deadline: 2014
Source of financing: OPHR
Prof. Dr. Vesselin Mintchev - leader
Prof. Dr. Iskra Christova-Balkanska
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Irena Zareva
Chief Assist. Dimiter Statev
Deadline: December 2009 - June 2013
Source of financing:...
Prof. Dr. Mitko Dimitrov - leader
Prof. Dr. Plamen Tchipev
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Spartak Keremidchiev
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Radostina Bakardjieva
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Valchin Daskalov
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Grigor...
Prof. Dr. Georgi Shopov - leader
Chief Assist. Dr. Dochka Velkova
Deadline: 18.09.2012 – 18.03.2013
Source of financing: OPHR - Ministry of Labour and Social Policy
Prof. Dr. Petko Salchev - leader
Direction "Classification System" at National Center for Preventing the Public Health
Deadline: November 2012 - May 2013
Source of financing: National Center...
Prof. Radka Ileva - leader
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Boiana Boianova
Chief Assist. Tsanko Stefanov
Deadline: 31.12.2013
Source of financing: VTU "St. St. Kiril and Metodii", Science Fund
Prof. Plamen Legkostup - leader
Prof. Dr. Lilia Chankova
Deadline: April 2012 - September 2013
Source of financing: OPHR, co-financed by the European Social Fund of EU
Partners: Institute of biodiversity and eco system studies
From ERI-BAS: Chief Assist. Dr. Milkana Mochurova
Prof. Dr. T. Atanasova - leader
Prof. Dr.Sc.(Econ.) Garabed Minassian
Deadline: 2011-2012
Source of financing: Trakia University - Economic Faculty
Borislav Tafradjiiski - leader
Prof. Dr. Georgi Shopov
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Galia Bardarska
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Spartak Keremidchiev
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Stefan Ivanov
Chief Assist. Dr. Yana Kirilova
Institute for Economic Policy - leader
Prof. Dr.Sc.(Econ.) Rossitsa Rangelova
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Grigor Sariiski
Deadline: 11.01.2012 – 29.02.2012
Source of financing: Ministry of Finances -...
Assist. Dr. Julia Stefanova - leader
Deadline: 17.06.2012 – 11.12.2012
Source of financing: Institute for Economic Policy - won grant "Dr. Ivanka Petkova" for research initiative in the...
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Galia Bardarska
Deadline: April - May 2012
Source of financing: "Sofia Water"
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Stefan Ivanov - leader
Nadka Koleva (National Association of Municipalities in the Republic of Bulgaria)
Deadline: March - June 2012
Source of financing: Know-how center for...
Prof. Lubomir Stefanov - leader
Prof. Dr. Iordan Hristoskov
Deadline: November 2012
Source of financing: OP "Administrative Capacity", European Social Fund of EU
Prof. Dr.Sc.(Econ.) Rossitsa Chobanova - leader
Source of financing: G.,GB,USA: LambertAcademicPublishing, Science Fund
Corporate and Public Management Consulting Group and Partners, Latvia - coordinator
Prof. Dr. Stoyan Totev
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Grigor Sariiski
Deadline: 2012
Source of financing: OPHR - Ministry...
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Spartak Keremidchiev - leader
Deadline: 2007-2012
Source of financing: Ministry of Labour, Social Matters and Protection of Consumers of Austria and Ministry of Labour and...
Prof. Dr. Mitko Dimitrov - leader
Prof. Dr. Plamen Tchipev
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Valchin Daskalov
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Spartak Keremidchiev
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Radostina Bakardjieva
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Grigor...
Directorate of employment, social policy and inclusion at the European Commission
Prof. Dr. Iskra Beleva
Source of financing: EC
Prof. Dr. Iskra Beleva
Source of financing: ILO
Fondazione Giacomo Brodolini - leader
Prof. Dr. Iskra Beleva
Source of financing: EC
Three thematic reports:
(a) “The provision of out-of-school care in Bulgaria”
(b) “Crisis...
Daniel Vaughan-Whitehead, ILO, Geneva - leader
Prof. Dr. Vasil Tsanov
Source of financing: ILO, Geneva
Prof. Dr. Georgi Shopov
Source of financing: MetisGmbHAustria, in the frames of a project by EC, Direction "Employment and Social Policy" (ESF)
Peter Schneidewind - leader
Metis GmbH
Prof. Dr. Pobeda Lukanova
Source of financing: European Social Fund
Prof. Dr.Sc.(Econ.) Rossitsa Chobanova
Source of financing: G.,GB,USA: Lambert Academic Publishing
Institute for economic policy - leader
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Grigor Sariiski
Source of financing: Hanns Seidel Foundation
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Stefan Ivanov - leader
Source of financing: Ministry of Regional Development
Bulgarian Industrial Chamber - coordinator
Prof. Dr. Stoyan Totev - main expert
Source of financing: Bulgarian Industrial Chamber, Konrad – Adenauer–Stiftung
Prof. Dr. Iskra Beleva - leader
Deadline: April - May 2011
Source of financing: Economic and Social Council
Prof. Dr. Veselin Mintchev - leader
Prof. Dr. Georgi Shopov
Assist. Nadejda Kraicheva
Petia Kostova
Deadline: 2009-2011
Source of financing: Ministry of Education, Youth and Science - OPHR
Bulgarian Institute of Foreign Trade - coordinator
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Grigor Sariiski
Deadline: 2011
Source of financing: Association of Bulgarian Employers' Organizations
Prof. Valentin Goev - leader
Prof. Dr. Veselin Mintchev
Deadline: 2009-2011
Source of financing: R&D - University of National and World Economy
Prof. Dr. Georgi Shopov - leader
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Stefan Ivanov
Source of financing: UNICEF
Prof. Dr. Georgi Shopov - leader
Source of financing: World Bank
Prof. Dr.Sc.(Econ.) Garabed Minassian - leader
Source of financing: Bulgarian Industrial Chamber - Union of Bulgarian Business
I. Hinovski, chairman of Bulgarian Energy Forum - leader
Prof. Dr.Sc.(Econ.) Garabed Minassian
Source of financing: Bulgarian Energy Forum
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Spartak Keremidchiev - leader
Prof. Dr. Pobeda Lukanova
Prof. Dr. Georgi Shopov
Assoc. Prof. Stefan Ivanov
Source of financing: European Social Fund
Alexander Stoianov - leader
Stat Research Alliance
Prof. Dr. Pobeda Lukanova
Source of financing: European Social Fund, OPHR
Prof. Dr.Sc.(Econ.) Ivan Georgiev - leader
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Alla Kirova
Source of financing: UNWE
Ministry of Labour and Social Policy - leader
Prof. Dr. Iskra Beleva
Prof. Dr. Vasil Tsanov
Prof. Dr. Pobeda Lukanova
Source of financing: Ministry of Labour and Social Policy
Borislav Tafradjiiski - leader
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Galia Bardarska
Chief Assist. Dr. Yana Kirilova
Source of financing: Ministry of Education, Youth and Science
Assoc. Prof. Stefan Ivanov - leader
Prof. Dr. Georgi Shopov
Chief Assist. Dr. Yana Kirilova
Source of financing: Ministry of Education, Youth and Science
Assoc. Prof. Raia Staikova, Center of Science Study and Science History at BAS - leader
Prof. Dr. Stoyan Totev - expert on informational material, trainer in module "Training through Action"...
Prof. Dr.Sc.(Econ.) Stanka Tonkova, UNWE - leader
Prof. Dr. Lilia Chankova - deputy leader
Source of financing: OPHR of ESF
Prof. Dr. Mitko Dimitrov - leader
Prof. Dr.Sc.(Econ.) Garabed Minassian
Prof. Dr. Vasil Tsanov
Prof. Dr. Georgi Shopov
Prof. Dr. Iskra Beleva
Prof. Dr. Tatiana Houbenova-Delissivkova
Prof. Dr...
Prof. Dr.Sc.(Soc.) Dimitar Dimitrov - coordinator
Prof. Dr. Sc.(Econ.) Garabed Minassian
Deadline: 2009
Assoc. Prof. Pencho Penchev - leader
Prof. Dr. Lilia Chankova
Prof. Dr. Mitko Dimitrov
Dealine: 01.01.2009 - 31.12.2009
Source of financing: Ministry of Education, Youth and Science...
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Stefan Ivanov
Deadline: February - April 2009
Source of financing: UNICEF, Sofia
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Stefan Ivanov
Deadline: March 2009
Source of financing: National Association of Municipalities in Bulgaria
Emil Savov - leader
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Stefan Ivanov
Alpha Research
Svetla Yankova
Deadline: June 2009
Source of financing: Open Society Institute, Budapest
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Stefan Ivanov - leader
Emil Savov
Svetla Yankova
Deadline: June 2009
Source of financing: Ministry of Regional Development
G. Chavdarova - leader
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Stefan Ivanov
Deadline: June 2009
Source of financing: NALAS (Network of Associations of Local Authorities of South-East Europe)
Peter Rado, Hungary - leader
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Stefan Ivanov
Source of financing: Open Society Institute, Budapest
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Stefan Ivanov - leader
Stanka Angelova
Nadka Koleva
Deadline: 10.12.2009
Source of financing: Ministry of Regional Development
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Stefan Ivanov
Nadka Koleva
Deadline: December 2009
Source of financing: UNICEF, Sofia
Prof. Dr. Mitko Dimitrov - leader
Prof. Dr. Plamen Tchipev
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Vesselin Mintchev
Source of financing: Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Stefan Ivanov
Source of financing: Open Society Institute - Budapest
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Stefan Ivanov - leader
Source of financing: Council on decentralization at Council of Ministers
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Stefan Ivanov
Source of financing: Ministry of Regional Development
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Stefan Ivanov - leader
Nadka Koleva, National Association of Municipalities in Bulgaria
Stanka Angelova, Razgrad municipality
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Stefan Ivanov - leader
Nadka Koleva, National Association of Municipalities in Bulgaria
Stanka Angelova, Razgrad municipality
Source of financing: Ministry of Finances
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Stefan Ivanov
Nadka Koleva, National Association of Municipalities in Bulgaria
Rumen Tachev, Veliko Turnovo municipality
Source of financing: Ministry of Regional Development
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Stefan Ivanov
Source of financing: Nesebar municipality
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mathew Matev - leader
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Irena Zareva
Maria Ivanova
Source of financing: Science Fund
Prof. Dr. Georgi Shopov - leader
Source of financing: World Bank
Prof. Dr. Vesslin Mintchev
Source of financing: Agency for Social-Economic Analyses
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Stefan Ivanov - leader
Source of financing: Ministry of Regional Development, on Programme of decentralization of the state governance
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Stefan Ivanov - leader
Source of financing: Ministry of Regional Development, on the Programme of decentralization of the state governance
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Stefan Ivanov
Source of financing: Ministry of Regional Development, on the Programme for decentralization of the state governance
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Stefan Ivanov
Source of financing: National Association of Municipalities in Bulgaria
Prof. Dr. Pobeda Lukanova
Prof. Dr. Vasil Tsanov
Prof. Dr. Georgi Shopov
Source of financing: Ministry of Labour and Social Policy
Prof. Dr. Plamen Tchipev - leader
Georgi Getov
Source of financing: Science Fund
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mathew Matev - leader
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Irena Zareva
Maria Ivanova
Source of financing: Science Fund
Prof. Dr. Georgi Shopov
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Stefan Ivanov
Source of financing: Warly Parsons Europe Energy Services Ltd.
Chief Assist. Dr. Milkana Mochurova
Source of financing: contract between alliance "Global Water Partnership (GWP)", Bulgaria and firm IFOK, Germany
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Kapka Stoyanova
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Alla Kirova
Source of financing: Ministry of Labour and Social Policy, Direction "Depographic policy, social investments and equal...
Prof. Dr. Georgi Shopov
Source of financing: Center for political studies "PRAXIS", Estonia - study "Expenditures for reforming the pension system"
Prof. Dr. Iskra Beleva
Prof. Dr. Georgi Shopov
Source of financing: EC, Direction "Employment, social issues and equal opportunities"
International projects
A project of the Economic Research Institute at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (ERI at BAS) and the Institute for World Economy at the Romanian Academy (IWE-RA) within the framework of bilateral...
Project of BAS on the basis of bilateral inter-academic cooperation BAS – RA.
Participants from the Institute:
Prof. Dr. Iskra Hristova-Balkanska (leader of Bulgarian team)Prof. Dr. Emil...
Project of BAS in the framework of bilateral inter-academic cooperation BAS – MASA
Participants from the Institute: Prof. Dr. Mitko Dimitrov
Term of implementation: 2019-2021
Project of BAS on the basis of bilateral inter-academic cooperation BAS – RA.
Participants from the Institute:
Prof. Dr. Pobeda Lukanova (leader of Bulgarian team)Prof. Dr. V. Tsanov
Project of BAS on the basis of bilateral inter-academic cooperation BAS - UNAS.
Participants from the Institute:
Prof. D.Sc. Garabed Minasyan (leader of Bulgarian team)Prof. Dr. Iskra...
Project of BAS in the framework of bilateral inter-academic cooperation BAS – MASA.
Participants from the Institute:
Prof. D.Sc. Rositsa Chobanova (leader of Bulgarian team)Prof. Dr. Veselin...
Project of BAS on the basis of bilateral inter-academic cooperation BAS – RA.
Participants from the Institute:
Prof. Dr. Mitko Dimitrov (leader of Bulgarian team)Prof. Dr. Iskra Hristova-...
CB006.1.31.070 «Innovative cooperation initiatives in cross-border region» is financed by European Union through INTERREG-IPA CBC CCI Number 2014TC16I5CB006. PROJECT LEADER: Prof. Dr...
Leader of the project: on Bulgarian side - Prof. Dr. Mitko Dimitrov (ERI-BAS)
Participants: Bulgaria, Republic of Korea
Term of execution: February 2015 – February 2016
Source of financing: Knowledge...
Prof. Dr. Vesselin Mintchev - leader
Prof. Dr. Georgi Shopov
Assoc. Prof. Irena Zareva
Chief Assist. Dochka Velkova
Konstantin Borisov
Deadline: 01.01.2013 – 01.01.2016
Source of...
WHO – Claudia Stein – Director Division of Information, Evidence, Research and Innovation - leader
Prof. Dr. Petko Salchev
Deadline: December 2012 - December 2015
Source of financing: EC
Prof. Dr. Petko Salchev
Deadline: October 2012 - October 2014
Source of financing: "Learning through Life" programme of EC - Center for human resources development
Prof. Dr. Iskra Christova-Balkanska
Deadline: August 2013
Source of financing: "Progress" Programme of EU
Prof. Dr. Petko Salchev
Deadline: 31.11.2013
Source of financing: WHO - European Office
Prof. Dr. Petko Salchev
Deadline: May 2013
Source of financing: World Bank
Chief Assist. Dr. Maria Kotseva-Tikova
Deadline: March 2012 - August 2013
Source of financing: Erasmus Programme
Project leader: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Spartak Keremidchiev
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Galia Bardarska
Deadline: June 2013
Source of financing: Ministry of Regional Development, European Programme for...
Project leader: Prof. Wiemer Salverda (Amsterdam Institute for Advanced Labour Studies (AIAS), University of Amsterdam)
Prof. Dr. Vasil Tsanov
Deadline: 01.02.2010 – 30.06.2013
Source of financing:...
WiemerSalverda, Amsterdam Institute for Advanced Labour Studies (AIAS), University of Amsterdam - leader
Prof. Dr. Vasil Tsanov
Deadline: 2009-2013
Source of financing: 7FP
Pat Irving - leader
Prof. Dr. Pobeda Lukanova
Deadline: 01.04.2012 – 30.04.2013
Source of financing: European Social Fund
Borislav Tafradgiiski - leader
Prof. Dr. Georgi Shopov
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Spartak Keremidchiev
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Stefan Ivanov
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Galia Bardarska
Chief Assist. Dr. Dochka Velkova
Prof. Dr. Pobeda Lukanova
Database of experts in gender equality: partner
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Alla Kirova
Prof. Dr. Petko Salchev
Fondazione g. Brodolini, Italy - partner
Prof. Dr.Sc.(Econ.) Rossitsa Rangelova
Prof. Dr. Iskra Christova-Balkanska
Reseau Financement Alternatif (RFA), Belgium - partner
Prof. Dr. Iskra Christova-Balkanska
Université de Liège au Sart-Tilman, Belgium - partner
Prof. Dr. Iskra Christova-Balkanska
LSEE (London School of Economics Research on South Eastern Europe)- coordinator
Prof. Dr. Stoyan Totev
European Commission DG Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion, coordinated by GVG institute in Cologne (Germany) - leader
Georgi Bogdanov
Prof. Dr.Sc.(Econ.) Rossitsa Rangelova
Herta Tödtling-Schönhofer - leader
Metis, Vienna: WIIW (The Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies)
Prof. Dr. Pobeda Lukanova
Deadline: 30.11.2011 – 30.03.2012
Source of financing...
Daniela Ilichna
GHK Consulting Ltd.
Manuel de Sotto, DG “Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion” EC
Prof. Dr. Pobeda Lukanova
Deadline: 30.03.2012 – 30.04.2012
Source of financing: ESF
Pat Irving - leader
GHK Consulting Ltd.
Ministry of Labour and Social Policy, Belgium
Prof. Dr. Pobeda Lukanova
Deadline: 01.04.2012 – 30.11.2012
Source of financing: ESF
Roger Simpson - leader
GHK Int.
Prof. Dr. Pobeda Lukanova
Deadline: 2012
Source of financing: European Social Fund
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Spartak Keremidchiev
Deadline: 2007-2012
Source of financing: Ministry of Labour, Social Issues and Protection of Consumers - Austria
Netherlands institute for health services research (NIVEL) - leader
Prof. Dr. Petko Salchev
Deadline: November 2011 - December 2012
Source of financing: 7FP
Prof. Dr. Georgi Shopov
Deadline: 01.04.2012 – 30.06.2012
Source of financing: World Bank
Prof. Dr. Georgi Shopov
Deadline: 01.05.2012 – 30.06.2012
Source of financing: World Bank
Prof. Dr. Petko Salchev
Ivan Neikov
Deadline: November 2010 - October 2012
Source of financing: EU
CIRIEC-International - leader
Prof. Dr. Iskra Christova-Balkanska
Deadline: 2012
Sources of financing: European Economic and Social Fund
Prof. Dr. Mitko Dimitrov - leader
Prof. Dr.Sc.(Econ.) Rossitsa Rangelova
Prof. Dr. Iskra Christova-Balkanska
Prof. Dr. Plamen Tchipev
Prof. Dr. tatiana Houbenova-Delissivkova
Prof. Dr. radka Ileva...
Prof. Janusz Kindler - leader
Prof. Vesselin Alexandrov
Prof. Ivan Raev
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Galia Bardarska
Deadline: 2012
Source of financing: Global Water Partnership (GWP); World...
Daniel Vaughan-Whitehead, ILO, Geneva - leader
Prof. Dr. Vasil Tsanov
Deadline: 2012
Source of financing: ILO, Geneva
Corporate and Public Management Consulting Group, Latvia - leader
Prof. Dr. Stoyan Totev
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Grigor Sariiski
Deadline: 01.10.2011 – 30.12.2012
Source of financing: Ministry of...
Nartsislav Petrov - leader
Temenujka Budinova
Boiko Tsintsarski
Biliana Petrova
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Galia Bardarska
Source of financing: Inter-Academy Agreement between Bulgaria and Ukraine
RogerSimpson - leader
GHK Int.
Prof. Dr. Pobeda Lukanova
Source of financing: European Social Fund
European Commission, DG Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities, VT/2010/001
Prof. Dr.Sc.(Econ.) Rossitsa Rangelova
Source of financing: European Commission
Prof. Dr.Sc.(Econ.) Rossitsa Chobanova
Source of financing: G.,GB,USA: Lambert Academic Publishing
Daniel Vaughan-Whitehead, ILO, Geneva - leader
Prof. Dr. Vasil Tsanov
Source of financing: ILO, Geneva
Bulgarian Industrial Association - leader
Prof. Dr. Stoyan Totev
Source of financing: Bulgarian Industrial Association, Konrad – Adenauer–Stiftung
Institute for Economic Policy - leader
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Grigor Sariiski
Deadline: 2011
Source of financing: "Hanns Seidel" Foundation
Fondazione Giacomo Brodolini - leader
Prof. Dr. Iskra Beleva
Deadline: 2011
Source of financing: EC
(a) "Thematic report on “The provision of out-of-school care in Bulgaria”
(b) "...
EC, Direction "Employment, Social Policy and Inclusion" - leader
Prof. Dr. Iskra Beleva
Deadline: 2011
Source of financing: EC
Prof. Dr. Iskra Beleva
Deadline: 2011
Source of financing: ILO
Prof. Dr. Georgi Shopov
Deadline: 2011
Source of financing: Metis GmbH, Austria on a project financed by EC, Direction "Employment and Social Policy" (ESF)
Peter Schneidewind - leader
Metis GmbH
Prof. Dr. Pobeda Lukanova
Deadline: 2011
Source of financing: ESF
Chief Assist. Dr. Yana Kirilova
Source of financing: Council of Europe and Open Society Institute - Budapest
Fondazione Giacomo Brodolin - leader
Prof. Dr. Iskra Beleva
Source of financing: EC
“Dependent Elderly and Gender Equality in ...
Chief Assist. Dr. Yana Kirilova
Source of financing: Network of Associations of Local Authorities of South-East Europe - Skopje
Anne Manoudi - leader
GHK int. Brussels
Prof. Dr. Pobeda Lukanova
Source of financing: ESF
Ms. Ruth Santos, Mutual Learning Support Unit, ЕC - leader
Prof. Dr. Pobeda Lukanova
Source of financing: ESF
Prof. Dr.Sc.(Econ.) Garabed Minassian - leader
Source of financing: ILO
Results: paper "Macro Policy Study for Bulgaria in the Context of the Crisis”
Daniel Vaughan-Whitehead, ILO - Geneva - leader
Prof. Dr. Vasil Tsanov
Deadline: 2010
Source of financing: ILO and EC
Prof. Dr. Mitko Dimitrov - leader
Prof. Dr.Sc.(Econ.) Rossitsa Rangelova
Source of financing: Inter-academy agreement between BAS and HAS
Prof. Dr. Tatiana Houbenova-Delisivkova - coordinator
Deadline: 2009-2011
Source of financing: Inter-academy agreement between BAS and RAS
Caroline Lambert, GHK Consulting Limited and the European Commission - leader
Prof. Dr. Pobeda Lukanova
Deadline: 31 March 2010
Source of financing: PROGRESS programme, EU
Fondation "Eni Enrico Mattei", Italy - coordinator
Prof. Dr. Iskra Christova-Balkanska
Deadline: 01.09.2005 - 01.09.2010
Source of financing: 6FP
Diversity Management in Practice, A...
Prof. Dr. Katia Vladimirova - coordinator
Prof. Dr.Sc.(Econ.) Rossitsa Rangelova
Source of financing: UNWE
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Grigor Sariiski
Source of financing: "Leonardo da Vinci" programme, University of Granada
Prof. Dr. Iskra Beleva
Deadline: 01.01.2009 - 31.12.2009
Source of financing: EU Directorate - General Employment and Social Affairs, Unit G1 'Equality between men and women'
Verena Schmidt, ILO, Budapest, Hungary - leader
Prof. Dr. Vasil tsanov
Deadline: December 2009
Source of financing: ILO
Prof. Dr. Georgi Shopov
Deadline: April - June 2009
Source of financing: World Bank
National Association of Small and Medium-Sized Business, Bulgaria - coordinator
Prof. Dr. Stoyan Totev
Deadline: 30 June 2009
Source of financing: EC
Network for alternative financing, Brussels, Belgium
Prof. Dr. Iskra Christova-Balkanska
Deadline: December 2007 - December 2009
Source of financing: EC - DG Employment, Social Affairs...
Prof. Dr. Georgi Shopov - leader
Prof. Dr. Pobeda Lukanova
Deadline: February - June 2009
Source of financing: Ministry of Labour and Social Policy - PHARE programme
Prof. Dr. Mitko Dimitrov
Prof. Dr.Sc.(Econ.) Rossitsa Rangelova
Source of financing: Inter-academy agreement between BAS and HAS
Caroline Lambert, GHK Int. Birmingham, UK и & Fоndation “Geozepe Brazolini”, Italy - leader
Prof. Dr. Pobeda Lukanova
Source of financing: PROGRESS programme, EC
Prof. Dr.Sc.(Econ.) German Vlaskin - leader
Prof. Dr. Tatiana Houbenova-Delisivkova - leader
Prof. Dr. Lilia Chankova
Prof. Dr. Emil Panusheff
Prof. Dr. Iskra Balkanska
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Maria...
Daniel Whitehead, ILO - leader
Prof. Dr. Vasil Tsanov
Deadline: 2007-2008
Source of financing: ILO
Prof. Dr. Luis Lambrianidis, University of Macedonia - leader
Prof. Dr. Stoyan Totev
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Spartak Keremidchiev
Deadline: September 2005 - January 2008
Source of financing: 6FP -...
Global Capital Market Development, World Bank - coordinator
Prof. Dr. Mitko Dimitrov - leader
Prof. Dr. Plamen Tchipev
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Spartak Keremidchiev
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Radostina Bakardjieva...
Prof. Dr. Vesselin Mintchev
Source of financing: GTZ
Prof. Dr. Iskra Beleva
Source of financing: "Giacomo Brodolini" Foundation
Inga Pavlovayte, GHK Int., Birmingham Office - leader
Prof. Dr. Pobeda Lukanova
G. Clark and E. Evgeniev, World Bank - leaders
Prof. Dr. Pobeda Lukanova
Source of financing: World Bank
Ecologic, Германия - leader
Global Water Partnership, Bulgaria
Chief Assist. Dr. Milkana Mochurova
Deadline: November 2008 - May 2009
Source of financing: EC
Institute for Economic Policy, Sofia - coordinator
Prof. Dr.Sc.(Econ.) Rossitsa Rangelova
Deadline: December 2007 - May 2008
Source of financing: The German Marshall Fund of the United...
Emil Savov - leader
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Stefan Ivanov
Deadline: March 2008
Source of financing: Open Society Institute, Budapest
Prof. Dr. Vasil Tsanov
Source of financing: ESF
Prof. Dr. Georgi Shopov
Deadline: May 2008
Source of financing: World Bank
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mathew Matev - leader
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Irena Zareva
Maria Ivanova
Deadline: April 2008
Source of financing: Science Fund
Prof. Dr. Iskra Christova-Balkanska - leader
Prof. Dr. Mitko Dimitrov
Deadline: 2005-2007
Source of financing: "RILA" programme at Ministry of Education, Youth and Science and the French...
Prof. Dr.Sc.(Econ.) Rossitsa Rangelova - leader
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Grigor Sariiski
Deadline: 01.02.2004 - 31.10.2007
Source of financing: 6FP
Czech Republic - leader
Prof. Dr.Sc.(Econ.) Rossitsa Rangelova
Source of financing: Ministry of Labour and Social Policy
Prof. Dr. Stoyan Totev
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Spartak Keremidchiev
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Grigor Sariiski
Source of financing: 6FP
Jill Whitening, GHK Int. Ltd., Birmingham, UK - leader
Prof. Dr. Pobeda Lukanova
Source of financing: EC
Caroline Lambert, GHK Int. Brussels and European Foundation Turin, Italy - leader
Source of financing: EC
Monika Natter, ÖBS (Vien, Austria) - leader
Prof. Dr. Pobeda Lukanova
Deadline: 26.11.2007
Source of financing: EC and Ministry of Labour (France)
Prof. Dr. Iskra Beleva
Prof. Dr. Vasil Tsanov
Deadline: 01.01.2007 - 31.12.2007
Source of financing: EC and ILO "The Evolving World of Work"
Anna Atanasova, Ministry of Labour and Social Policy - leader
Prof. Dr. Pobeda Lukanova
Prof. Dr. Vasil Tsanov
Prof. Dr. Georgi Shopov
Deadlines: 2006-2007
Source of financing: UNDP and...
Projects and expertises with external financing
Scientific forums
202517.01.2025 – At the invitation of the Economic Research Institute at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Her Excellency Dai Qingli, Ambassador of the People’s Republic of China to the Republic of...
2024Jubilee International Conference 2024 Economic development and policies: realities and prospectsEuropean integration, convergence and cohesion dedicated to the 75th Anniversary of the...On October 4th, 2004, the fall session of the Information and Discussion Seminar of the Institute began in the Great Hall of the Economic Research Institute (ERI) at BAS. Within the framework of the...On November 15th, 2024 in the Great Hall of the Economic Research Institute at BAS, within the framework of the Information and Discussion Seminar of the Institute, a public lecture on "Strategic...On November 8, 2024 in the Great Hall of the Economic Research Institute at BAS, within the Information and Discussion Seminar of the Institute, a public lecture „The Economic Challenges for Europe...The cycle of public lectures presenting the achievements of the newly appointed in 2023 Associate Professors in the field of Professional Direction 3.8. “Economics” continues within the framework of...On June 6, 2024, a joint webinar on "CHANGES IN THE FDI REGULATORY FRAMEWORK AND OTHER KEY ECONOMIC ISSUES IN THE EU: IMPLICATIONS FOR BULGARIA AND ROMANIA" was held, organized within the framework...On 22.05.2024 a Joint Webinar between School of Economics, Nankai University, China, and Economic Research Institute, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences was held on the occasion of signing...On 09.02.2024 in the Great Hall of Economic Research Institute at BAS, was held a scientific seminar “Marketing strategies in agricultural sectors and regions”, organized by the Institute together...On February 7th, 2024, in the Great Hall of the Economic Research Institute at BAS, within the framework of the Information and Discussion Seminar of the Institute, began the cycle of public lectures...
2023On December 18th, 2023, a scientific seminar on "Digitalization in Education and the Financial Sector: Standards and Trends" was held in the Great Hall of the Economic Research Institute at the...Annual scientific conference 2023 Economic Development and Policies: Realities and Prospects National and European Challenges of the Transition to Green Economy On December 5th, 2023,...On 09.11.2023 was held the First International Trilateral Round Table “ADJUSTMENT OF THE CEE ECONOMICS TO LONG-TERM CHALLENGES AND OVERLAPPING CRISES”. It was organized by Institute of World Economy...On October 6th, 2023, an International scientific forum on the topic "IMPACT OF EU POLICIES ON NATIONAL ECONOMIES“ was held, organized within the framework of the joint project "The World Economy on...On 30.06.2023, an International Scientific Forum “ROMANIAN AND BULGARIAN BILATERAL COOPERATION AND INTEGRATION INTO EUROZONE” was held. It was organized within the framework of the activities of the...On 23.06.2023, a round table dedicated to the trade and economic relations between China and Bulgaria was held at the Economic Research Institute at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. The discussion...On 15.06.2023, at the initiative of the Embassy of the Republic of Kazakhstan in Bulgaria, the Economic Research Institute at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences organized a round table for the...On 17.01.2023, at the invitation of the Economic Research Institute at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, His Excellency Dong Xiaojun, Ambassador of the People’s Republic of China to Bulgaria,...
2022International Scientific Conference 2022 Economic Development and Policies: Realities and Prospects Challenges and Risks in the Conditions of Overlapping Crises On 21st - 22nd November 2022 in...A roundtable with scientific and applied orientation: Opportunities for sustainable development of the Dobrudja’s agriculture by increasing the added value along the supply chain took place in the...On Wednesday, 09.03.2022, Economic Research Institute at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences organized a round table: ENERGY POVERTY IN BULGARIA: DEFINITIONS AND POLICIES. It was carried out from 10:00...
2021On 27.10.2021 a round table was held on the topic “Modern Transformations of Economic Activity”, organized by Economic Research Institute at BAS together with the Bulgarian Chamber of Commerce and...
2019International Scientific Conference “ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AND POLICIES: REALITies AND PROSPECTS”, dedicated to the 70th Anniversary of the Institute Economic Research Institute at BAS has the...
2018On 08.10.2018, the director of Economic Research Institute at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Prof. Alexander Tassev, signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the Fudan Development Institute at...On behalf of the International Economics Department of the Economic Research Institute at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences and the Institute for World Economy at the Romanian Academy we are pleased...Economic Research Institute at BAS has the pleasure to invite you to the International Scientific Conference “Economic development and policies: reality and prospects”, held on 29th-30th November...
2017The International Scientific Conference “Bulgaria and Romania: Country Members of the EU, Part of the Global Economy” organized by the Economic Research Institute at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences...
2016На 29.08.2016 г. в Института за икономически изследвания при БАН се проведе встъпителен семинар семинар по проекти по Knowledge Sharing Programme в България. The seminar is organized by Economic...On 24th February 2016 in Economic Research Institute at BAS was carried out a seminar "Studying Policies for Sustainable Growth of Bulgaria: Enhancing Innovations and Responsibilities". The seminar...
201530.09 - 02.10.2015 - Academic forum "Economic Development Alternatives in the XXIst Century: Theories, Policies, Decisions" - Golden Sands Resort, Varna Organizers: Economic Research Institute...On 24th February 2015 in Royal II Hall of Sofia Hotel Balkan (former Sheraton) was held an international seminar, organized by Economic Research Institute at BAS and the Korean Institute for...
2014On 14th March 2014 Economic Research Institute at BAS organized a conference entitled "Improving the Standards of Good Corporate Governance".On 14th February 2014 Economic Research Institute at BAS organized a conference on international migration, with participants from Bulgaria, Macedonia, Albania, Greece, Spain, Germany, Switzerland....Economic Research Institute at BAS organizes international conference “Economic Growth: Stimuli and Constraints”, which will be held on 6th – 7th October 2014 in Sofia, the Big Hall of the Institute...
2013Discussion seminar about documentary "Love and Power"Prof. Nako Stefanov and Dr. Evgeni Kandilarov - "Problems, Challenges and Perspectives for the Economic Growth in Japan" - 20.02. 2013Prof. Dr. Emilian M. Dobresku and Assist. Edit Mihaela Dobre from Romanian Academy of Sciences - "Intergration of Romania to EU" - 19.06.2013 г.Prof. Dr. Radka Ileva, ERI-BAS - "Strategy and Competitiveness of Bulgarian Firms" - 26.06.2013
2012October 2012, Cyprus Prof. Dr. Iskra Beleva, paper "Programmes for hiring higher education graduates - a solution of the transition from studying to employment"25 January 2012, discussion seminar topic "Regional development and convergence. European, Balkan and national dimensions", presented by Prof. Dr. Stoyan Totev 29 February 2012, discussion seminar...08.03.2012, Sofia, organized by Confederation of Independent Trade Unions in Bulgaria (CITUB), Labour Confederation "Podkrepa", International Labour Organization, International Union Confederation...May 2012, Varna, Bulgaria, organized by Economic University - Varna Prof. Dr. Mitko Dimitrov, plenary paper "Factors for developing the Bulgarian economy" Prof. Dr. Tatiana Houbenova-Delissivkova,...February 2012, Sofia, organized by Inter Expo Center Prof. Dr. Mitko Dimitrov, guest paper "Place of industry in the Bulgarian economy"January 2012, BAS, Sofia, Bulgaria, organized by Union "Regional analyses for 2014+" and Ministry of Regional Development Prof. Dr. Georgi Shopov, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Spartak Keremidchiev, Assoc. Prof....January 2012, Radisson hotel, Sofia, organized by VIZF, Association of additional insurance funds and Bulgarian association of insurance agents Prof. Dr. Yordan Hristoskov, paper "Health security and...02.03.2012, Sofia, organized by Ministry of Labour and Social Policy International forum on European year of active life of the elderly and colidarity between generations Participants from ERI-BAS:...March 2012, Sofia, Bulgaria, organized by Union of Bulgarian economists Prof. Dr. Yordan Hristoskov, paper "Taxes and insurance on the labour incomes (Bulgaria in the context of EU)"March 2012, Sofia, Bulgaria, organized by Institute for European Economics Prof. Dr.Sc.(Econ.) Garabed Minassian, paper “Why and Till When We Will be Last in EU?”June 2012, Sofia, organized by UNWE - EU Prof. Dr.Sc.(Econ.) Garabed Minassian, paper “Economic v/s Financial Stability”July 2012, Sofia, Bulgaria, organized by Union "Regional analyses for 2014+" and Ministry of Regional Development Prof. Dr. Georgi Shopov, Assoc. Prof. Spartak Keremidchiev, Assoc. Prof. Stefan...October 2012, Ministry of Labour and Social Policy, Sofia, Bulgaria, organized by Ministry of Labour and Social Policy and Federal Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs and Protection of Consumers in...October 2012, Ministry of Labour and Social Policy, Sofia, Bulgaria, organized by Institute for Study of Human and Population, BAS Assoc. Prof. Dr. Margarita Fileva, paper "Family - social inequality...November 2012, Sofia, Bulgaria, organized by Institute of economy and international relations Prof. Dr.Sc.(Econ.) Garabed Minassian, paper "European money for Bulgaria: beneficient's behavior"December 2012, Sofia, Bulgaria, organized by IDC Prof. Dr. Petko Salchev, paper "Establishing and introducing an integrated health-information system" by project BG051РО001-6.2.08October 2012 Prof. Dr. Iskra Christova-Balkanska, paper "Change in the bank sector of the EU member countries after the crisis in 2007"September 2012, Ravda, Bulgaria, organized by Faculty "Finances" at UNWE and faculty "Finances and credit" at Economic Academy "D. A. Tsenov" Prof. Dr. Tatiana Houbenova-Delissivkova, paper "...November 2012, UNWE, organized by faculty of International economic relations ar UNWE Prof. Dr. Tatiana Houbenova-Delissivkova, paper "Priorities of European integration at the current stage and...June 2012, Boiana, Bulgaria, organized by International business college Chief Assist. Dr. Miroslav Nedelchev, paper "Modern corporation and private ownership - 80 years later"September 2012, Ravda, organized by UNWE Chief Assist. Dr. Miroslav Nedelchev, paper "Dilemma of the prisoner for EU bank groups"June 2012, Stara Zagora mineral baths, organized by Union of Scientists - Stara Zagora Assist. Dr. Julia Stafnova, paper "The New EU Regulatory Framework for Venture Capital Financing”April 2012, Varna, Bulgaria, organized by Varna Free University "Chernorizets Hrabar", Faculty of International economy and administration Assist. Dr. Jivka Kalaidjieva, paper "Funds from European...November 2012, Sofia, Bulgaria, organized by faculty "Social-economic geography" and faculty "Regional and political geography" at Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski", and faculty "Geography" at...Februaty 2012, Sofia, Bulgaria, organized by Center of education and culture "Iliev", American University in Bulgaria Assoc. Prof. Dr. Eng. Galia Bardarska, Chief Assist. Dr. Dochka Velkova, Chief...March 2012, Jundola, Bulgaria, organized by University of Forestry, Sofia Assoc. Prof. Dr. Veselina Grigorova, paper "Information technologies and sustainable development of economy" Assoc. Prof. Dr...October 2012, Varna, Bulgaria, organized by Economic University - Varna, faculty "Agricultural Economy" Assoc. Prof. Dr. Darina Ruscheva, paper "Production of food products in Bulgaria as a resource...June 2012, Veliko Turnovo, Bulgaria, organized by National Military University Assoc. Prof. Dr. Veselina Grgorova, paper "Energy efficiency of economy - administrative, organizational and financial...October 2012, Veliko Turnovo, Bulgaria, organized by National Military University Assoc. Prof. Dr. Veselina Grigorova, paper "Ecological problems and adequate protection measures" and "Problems of...January 2012, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia, Bulgaria, organized by "Regional analysis for 2014+" and Ministry of Regional Development Prof. Dr. Georgi Shopov, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Spartak...November 2012, Borovets, Bulgaria, organized by UNWE Chief. Assist. Dr. Milkana Mochurova, paper "Climate change and agriculture in Europe: Challenges to Natural and Social Sciences” ...January 2012, Sofia, Bulgaria, organized by "Humanity" foundation and Balkan institute of labour and social policy Prof. Dr.Sc.(Econ.) Rossitsa Chobanova, paper "Towards forming a concept of a...International science conference "Research methods and technologies in economic and social sciences"October 2012, Plovdiv, Bulgaria, organized by Plvdiv University "Paisii Hilendarski" Assoc. Prof. Dr. Plamen D. Tchipev, paper "Evolution approach in the industrial economic theory"November 2012, organized by Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski" Assoc. Prof. Dr. Spartak Keremidchiev, Chief Assist, Poli Rukova, paper "Impact of internationalization on manufacturing firms in...February 2012, Burgas, Bulgaria, organized by Bulgarian Industrial Chamber - Burgas Assoc. Prof. Dr. Radostina Bakardjieva, paper "European concept of corporate social responsibility"April 2012, Sofia, Bulgaria, organized by Science-Technical Union - Club women in industry and science Assist. Dr. Galia Tasseva, paper "International indebtedness in Bulgaria"June 2012, Varna, Bulgaria, organized by Marketing Department of Economic University - Varna Chief Assist. Dr. Iavor Marangozov, paper "Typology of strategic unions"March 2012, Budapest, Hungary, organized by Tarki, Social Research Institute, Budapest Prof. Dr. Vasil Tsanov, paper “GINI Project: Bulgarian Report (data, special aspects, timing of work)”July 2012, Bucharest, Romania, organized by The European Finance Convention Prof. Dr. Petko Salchev, paper "Stress test of hospital – proposed methodology for evaluation of stability of institution”October 2012, Milan, Italy, organized by University of Milan Prof. Dr. Vasil Tsanov, paper “Country Report: Bulgaria”November 2012, Brussels, Belgium, organized by EC in the frames of carrying out an open method of coordination, GHK Consulting Ltd and CERGE-EI Prof. Dr. Pobeda Loukanova, national paper "The...November/December 2012, Leeds, UK, organized by The University of Leeds Chief Assist. Dr. Dochka Velkova, paper "Opportunities for developing a megaproject case in Bulgaria" Chief Assist. Dr....October 2012, New York, USA, annual international meeting of experts on world economy organized by UN/DESA Prof. Dr.Sc.(Econ.) Garabed Minassian, paper “Economic Outlook for Bulgaria 2012-2014”May 2012, Brussels, Belgium, organized by European Economic and Social Committee, European Network Prof. Dr. Iskra Christova-Balkanska, paper "Priorities of financial exclusion in Europe and...November 2012, Paris, France, organized by Institut Cedimes Prof. Dr. Iskra Christova-Balkanska, paper "Les effets des IDE et des transferts des emigrants sur les économies du Sud Est de l’Europe...May 2012, Ohrid, Macedonia, organized by NISPAcee Prof. Dr. Tatiana Houbenova-Delissivkova, paper "The Role of Fiscal Adjustment of the New EU Member States for the EMU Entry: the Europeanization of...March 2012, Tallinn, Estonia, organized by University of Tallinn Prof. Dr. Tatiana Houbenova-Delissivkova, paper "The Indebtedness to the Banking Sector and Anti-Crisis Policy Management: Lessons for...August 2012, Waterville Valley Resort Waterville Valley, NH, USA, organized by Gordon research conference Science & Technology Policy Prof. Dr.Sc.(Econ.) Rossitsa Chobanova, poster “...April 2013, Frankfurt am Main, Germany, organized by University of Zagreb; VADEA, Varazdin Development and Entrepreneurship Agency Assoc. Prof. Dr. Adelina Milanova, paper “Social Capital and...June 2013, Skopje, Macedonia, organized by Macedonian marketing association "Marketing" - Skopje and European University Macednia Chief Assist. Dr. Katerina Vojcheska, paper "Competitiveness of the...Prof. Dr. Georgi Shopov, ERI-BAS - "Social Reforms in Bulgaria - Examples, Premises, Studies" - 28.11.2012
201123 February 2011 "Pension reform in the conditions of economic crisis" - Prof. Dr. Yordan Hristoskov 23 April 2011 "Anti-crisis regulation in the Economic and Monetary Council - theory and...October 2011, organized by ERI-BAS and Union of Bulgarian Scientists, section "Economic Sciences" Prof. Dr. Iskra Beleva, paper "Mobility of labour force as a factor for development of knowledge-...February 2011, ERI-BAS Assoc. Prof. Dr. Eng. Galia Bardarska and Chief Assist. Dr. Yana Kirilova, paper "Problems when implementing Directive 91/271/ЕЕС for cleaning home waste waters"October 2011, organized by NBU and ERI-BAS Prof. Dr.Sc.(Econ.) Garabed Minassian, paper "Economic crisis: problems and solutions"April 2011, organized by ERI-BAS Prof. Dr. Tatiana Houbenova-Delissivkova, paper "Structural reforms in EU in the context of Europe 2020" Prof. Dr. Iskra Christova-Balkanska, paper "Europe 2020:...October 2011, Budapest, Institute for World Economy at HAS Prof. Dr.Sc.(Econ.) Rossitsa Rangelova, paper "Current-Account Imbalances and Economic Growth during the 2008-2009 Crisis: Empirical...October 2011, Varna Assoc. Prof. Dr. Plamen Tchipev, paper "Bulgarian anti-crisis plan: success with the wrong model?"November 2011, Plovdiv University, Faculty of Economic and Social Sciences Prof. Dr. Plamen Tchipev, paper "Fighting the crisis: isn't it time to change the ant-crisis plan in Bulgaria?"September 2011, Ministry of Labour and Social Policy Prof. Dr. Vasil Tsanov, paper "Opportunities for improving the pilot model and directions for its future development"June 2011, Council of Ministers - Granite Hall Prof. Dr.Sc.(Econ.) Garabed Minassian, paper "Knowledge-based economy and intelligent growth"September 2011, Sofia Prof. Dr.Sc.(Econ.) Garabed Minassian, paper "Planning and control of using the money from the European funds"June 2011, Stara Zagora Prof. Dr.Sc.(Econ.) Garabed Minassian, paper "Macroeconomic specific and perspective"November 2011, Sofia Prof. Dr. Yordan Hristoskov, paper "Social insurance in the stages of the economic cycle"November 2011, Svishtov, Bulgaria Prof. Dr. Yordan Hristoskov, paper "Social insurance and the stages of the economic cycle (theoretical aspects and empirical data)"November 2011, UNWE Assoc. Prof. Dr. Alla Kirova, paper "Theoretical problems of the process of realizing the specific human capital in higher education and science"November 2011, Svishtov, Bulgaria Chief Assist. Dr. Grigor Sariiski, paper "Risk in the bank area - characteristic, elements, supervisory regulations"May 2011, Sofia Chief Assist. Dr. Grigor Sariiski, paper "Problems of corporate governance in Bulgaria"March 2011, Sofia Chief Assist. Dr. Grigor Sariiski, paper "Hidden debt of the Bulgarian health care - an inevitable future"November 2011, UNWE Assoc. Prof. Dr. Vesselina Grigorova, paper "Investments in energetics"November 2011, Veliko Turnovo, organized by the National Military University Assoc. Prof. Dr. Vesselina Grigorova, paper "Innovation-communication technologies in energy management"February 2011, Iliev Center, American University, Sofia, Bulgaria Assoc. Prof. Dr. Eng. Galia Bardarska, paper "Implementing the European norms for waters in the EU member countries" and moderator of...March 2011, Sofia, Technical House Assoc. Prof. Dr. Eng. Galia Bardarska, paper "Quantity and quality of the drinking waters in Bulgaria - problems and solutions"March 2011, Jundola Assoc. Prof. Dr. Darina Ruscheva, paper "Proportions in goods manufacturing of food products in Bulgaria"October 2011, International Congress Center, Varna Prof. Dr. Tatiana Houbenova-Delissivkova, paper "Structural reforms in EU and their impact on the European financial space - challenges and problems...June 2011, Ravda, organized by UNWE, Sofia Prof. Dr. Tatiana Houbenova-Delissivkova, paper "Structural reforms in EU and their impact on the European financial space - challenges and problems to the...October 2011, Sofia, Union of Bulgarian Economists Prof. Dr. Tatiana Houbenova-Delissivkova, paper "European debt crisis and contemporary state of the bank system in Bulgaria"June 2011, Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski" and Center for Studying and Policies for Women - UNWE, Sofia Prof. Dr.Sc.(Econ.) Rossitsa Rangelova, paper "Changes in economic and social status of...November 2011, Sofia, UNWE Prof. Dr.Sc.(Econ.) Rossitsa Rangelova, paper "Modern discussion on GDP indicator"October 2011, Sofia, UNWE Prof. Dr. Iskra Christova-Balkanska, paper "Effects of the FDI on the economy of the countries from South Eastern Europe in the period after the global and financial crisis"May 2011, MaAnShan City, Anhui Province, PR China Prof. Dr.Sc.(Econ.) Garabed Minassian, paper “Outsourcing in Eastern Europe”October 2011, New York, USA Prof. Dr.Sc.(Econ.), paper “Economic Outlook for Bulgaria 2008-2013”July 2011, Geneve, Switzerland Assoc. Prof. Dr. Eng. Galia Bardarska, presentation from the workgroup of study “Good practices to ensure equitable access to water and sanitation in the pan-European...October 2011, Famagusta, North Cyprus Prof. Dr. Tatiana Houbenova-Delissivkova, paper "International Cross-border Regulatory Co-operation and the Challenges of International Regulatory Arbitrage:...
201021 April 2010 Assoc. Prof. Dr. Eng. Galia Bardarska, paper "Cleaning waters: investments and efficiency" 17 March 2010 Chief Assist. Maria Kotseva, paper "Renewable energy sources for...March 2010, Jundola, organized by Economic Management Faculty at University of Forestry Prof. Dr.Sc.(Econ.) Nina Yankova, paper "Development of manufacturing structure of regions in Bulgaria"...October 2010, organized by ERI-BAS Prof. Dr. Plamen Tchipev, paper "Getting out of the crisis: Could Bulgaria’s plan make a difference" Prof. Dr. Stoyan Totev, paper "EU Periphery, Economic...October 2010, organized by ERI-BAS Prof. Dr. Georgi Shopov, paper "Adequacy of pensions" Prof. Dr. Yordan Hristoskov, paper "Can the pension system be financially stable and how?"ERI-BAS Prof. Dr.Sc.(Econ.) Grigor Minassian, paper "Imperatives of economic policy" Assoc. Prof. Dr. Adelina Milanova, paper "Modern organizational culture and challenges to the Bulgarian business"January 2010, ERI-BAS Prof. Dr. Iskra Beleva, Prof. Dr. Vasil Tsanov, Prof. Dr. Pobeda Loukanova, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Irena Zareva, Chief Assist. Dr. Dochka Velkova, Margarita Atanasova, Evgeni Evgeniev...March 2010, organized by Regional inspection on environment and waters - Veliko Turnovo and ERI-BAS, Global Waters Partnership - Bulgaria Assoc. Prof. Dr. Eng. Galia bardarska, paper "Economic...May 2010, organized by Economic Faculty at Veliko Turnovo University "St. St. Kiril and Metodii" and ERI-BAS Assoc. Prof. Dr. Eng. Galia Bardarska and Chief Assist. Dr. Milkana Mochurova, paper "...November 2010, organized by Regional inspection on environment and waters in Veliko Turnovo and ERI-BAS Assoc. Prof. Dr. Eng. Galia Bardarska, paper "Impact of climate changes on the water resources"May 2010, Sofia, organized by Ministry of Labour and Social Policy Prof. Dr. Iskra Beleva, paper "Flexibility and security of the labour contracting and organization of working time - risk segments"...May 2010, organized by Economic University - Varna Prof. Dr. Plamen Tchipev, paper "Mechanism of the global financial crisis and challenges to the neoclassical paradigm"October 2010, Sofia, Bulgaria Assoc. Prof. Dr. Spartak Keremidchiev, Poli Roukova, Margarita Ilieva, paper "Bulgarian Industry On The Way Of Globalization"June 2010, organized by Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski" Assoc. Prof. Dr. Adelina Milanova, paper "Effective organization culture in the context of knowledge-based economy - messages and...May 2010, organized by Economic University - Varna Chief Assist. Dr. Katerian Vojcheska, paper "Stability of the financial system, main pillar for absorbing economic shocks"
200923 December 2009 Presentation and discussion of BBC documentary film "The bank which ruined the world" 18 November 2009 Dr. John Bradley, researcher and consultant in Economic and Social...11-12 December 2009, organized by Economic Faculty at Veliko Turnovo University and celebrating 60 years of ERI-BAS Prof. Dr.Sc.(Econ.) Garabed Minassian, plenary paper "Post-crisis...March 2009, organized by Institute of Economic Policy and Foundation "Hans Seidel" Prof. Dr. Iskra Beleva, paper "Labour market - risks and possible solutions"March 2009, organized by UNWE Prof. Dr. Yordan Hristoskov, paper "Pension reforms in the Central and Eastern European countries - development and challenges" Prof. Dr. Georgi Shopov, paper "...April 2009, Sofia Assoc. Prof. Dr. Adelina Milanova, paper "Firm culture as a fundament of innovative behavior"1 May 2009, organized by Institute of Phylosophic Studies at BAS Prof. Dr.Sc.(Econ.) Rossitsa Rangelova, paper "Theoreitcal and empirical reasoning of the differences between the countries by income...14 May 2009, organized by UNWE Assoc. Prof. Dr. Alla Kirova, paper "Place of new keynesianism in the contemporary economic theory"11-12 June 2009, organized by Foundation "Prof. Dr. Veleslav Gavriiski" Prof. Dr.Sc.(Econ.) Garabed Minassian, plenary paper "Management of economic peak and recession"18 September 2009, organized by UNWE Prof. Dr.Sc.(Econ.) Rossitsa Rangelova, main paper "Challenges to Bulgaria concerning the Lisbon strategy of the European Union"29 September 2009, organized by "Friedrich Ebert" Foundation and Institute of Sociology at BAS Prof. Dr.Sc.(Econ.) Rossitsa Rangelova, main paper "Current global economic crisis - dimensions...8-10 October 2009, organized by Science-Technical Unions - Varna Prof. Dr. Tatiana Houbenova-Delissivkova, paper "Global financial crisis - factors and channels for its impact on the financial...26-27 November 2009, organized by Bulgarian Economic Forum Assoc. Prof. Dr. Veselina Grigorova, plenary paper "Structural tendencies and problems in the development of the Bulgarian energetics"12-13 November 2009, organized by Trakia University - Stara Zagora Prof. Dr.Sc.(Econ.) Vasil Todorov, paper "Tendencies in macroeconomic environment of the business and the regional development in...
2008October 2008, Sofia, celebrating 60 years of "Industrial Business" Faculty of UNWE Prof. Dr. Lilia Chankova, paper "Directions of development of management of the enterprises for textile and...January 2008, Sofia, organized by Institute of Phylosophy and High Attestation Commission Assoc. Prof. Dr. Adelina Milanova, paper "Inter-disciplinary - challenge and security for creating new...September 2008, Blagoevgrad, organized by Union of Bulgarian Scientists Assoc. Prof. Dr. Adelina Milanova, paper "Social capital and organizational culture - challenges to the firm image"March 2008, Jundola, organized by University of Forestry Assoc. Prof. Dr. Veselina Grigorova, paper "Foreign investments and sustainable development of economy"March 2008, Jundola, organized by University of Forestry Assoc. Prof. Dr. Darina Ruscheva, paper "Producing food products in Bulgaria in condition of Common Agriculture Policy of EU"March 2008, Jundola, organized by University of Forestry Prof. Dr.Sc.(Econ.) Nina Yankova, paper "Differences and sustainability in the development of municipalitie sin Bulgaria"June 2008, organized by Varna Free University "Chernorizets Hrabar" Prof. Dr.Sc.(Econ.) Vasil Todorov, paper "Trade balance and European integration"May 2008, organized by Trakia University - Stara Zagora Prof. Dr.Sc.(Econ.) Vasil Todorov, paper "Simulation forecast for producing wheat and corn in the period till 2013"May 2008, organized by Trakia University - Stara Zagora Prof. Dr. Paraskeva Dimitrova, paper "Simulation forecast for producing wheat and corn in the period till 2013"March 2008, Jundola, organized by University of Forestry Prof. Dr. Paraskeva Dimitrova, paper "Sustainable development of municipalities. Goals, strategy and procedures in developing the tasks...November 2008, UNWE Prof. Dr. Vasil Tsanov, paper "Flexibility on the Bulgarian labour market: evaluations and comparative analysis"October 2008, organized by Coordination Council on social development and social eurointegration, Institute of Sociology at BAS and Russia cultural information center Prof. Dr. Iskra Beleva,...May 2008, Varna, organized by Economic University - Varna Prof. Dr. Iskra Beleva, paper "Development of European labour market and Bulgarian labour market - identity of problems and policies"Prof. Dr. Tatiana Houbenova-Delissivkova, paper "Integration policy of Bulgaria in EU and the challenges to the public administration at the contemporary stage"June 2008, Varna, organized by Varna Free University "Chernorits Hrabar" Prof. Dr. Tatiana Houbenova-Delissivkova, paper "Tendencies in the development of the Bulgarian market of securities in...Prof. Dr. Tatiana Houbenova-Delissivkova, paper "Contemporary theory for the reform of the international curency-financial system in the context of the monetary-financial regionalism"organized Economic Faculty of Veliko Turnovo "St. St. Kiril and Metodii" Prof. Dr. Tatiana houbenova-Delissivkova, paper "Role of Euro as a common currency for the structural changes of the...Bilateral Workshop "Integration Policies of Hungary And Bulgaria in the Conditions of EU Membership"October 2008, Sofia, organized by ERI-BAS and the Institute of World economy of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences Prof. Dr. Tatiana Houbenova-Delissivkova, paper "Fiscal policy of Bulgaria in...Bilateral Workshop "Integration Policies of Hungary And Bulgaria in the Conditions of EU Membership"October 2008, Sofia, organized by ERI-BAS and the Institute of World economy of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences Prof. Dr. Iskra Christova-Balkanska, paper "Foreign Direct Investment in...January 2008, Sofia, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Prof. Dr. Vesselin Mintchev, paper "National migration"December 2008, Sofia Prof. Dr.Sc.(Econ.) Rossitsa Chobanova, paper "First sessions on innovations in Europe"June 2008, Sofia, organized by Institute of Sociology at BAS, National Center for Study of Public Opinion at the Parliament and Foundation "Friedrich Ebert" Prof. Dr.Sc.(Econ.) Rossitsa...June 2008, Sofia, organized by Centre for European Refugees, Migration and Ethnic Studies at NBU, ASO and Ethnographic Institute at the BAS Prof. Dr.Sc.(Econ.) Rossitsa Rangelova, paper "...May 2008, organized by Center for Study of Population at BAS and Ministry of Labour and Social Policy Prof. Dr.Sc.(Econ.) Rossitsa Rangelova, paper "Aging of population and labour productivity"March 2008, organized by "Open Society" Institute, conference of Bulgarian Socialogy Association Prof. Dr.Sc.(Econ.) Rossitsa Rangelova, paper "Measuring the hidden economy: international experience...December 2008, European College of Economy and Management and ERI-BAS Prof. Dr. Iskra Christova-Balkanska, paper "FDI and financing the infrastructure in conditions of crisis"6-8 November 2008, Rome (Italy) Prof. Dr.Sc.(Econ.) Rossitsa Rangelova, paper Migration from and in Central and Eastern Europe: Labour Market and Economic Development in EU"February 2008, Milan, Italy Prof. Dr. Iskra Christova-Balkanska, paper "The Bulgarian migrants in Germany" September 2008, Bratislava, Slovakia, annual meeting of the project groupAugust 30, 2008, Warsaw, Prof. Dr. Tatiana Houbenova-Delissivkova, paper "Public-private partnerships and their impact in the development of regional clusters: possibilities and challenges of...October 2008, Brussels, Belgium, organized by International Labour Organization Prof. Dr. Vassil Tsanov, paper "Pushing up minimum wage without generating adverse employment effects in Bulgaria"September 2008, Gratz, Austria Chief. Assist. Dr. Milkana Mochurova, paper "Climate Change Impacts and Nuclear Energy Supply: Evidence, Uncertainty and Research Needs"April 2008, Denver, USA Prof. Dr. Plamen Tchipev, paper "Scarcity: An Apparent Economic Concept? An attempt for an institutional analysis"November 2008, Oesterreichische Nationalbank, Vienna, Austria Prof. Dr. Vesselin Mitchev, paper "International Migration and Remittances in the Balkan Area - the Case of Bulgaria"June 2008, Geneve Prof. Dr. Vesselin Mitchev, paper "Go abroad or move in the country...Evidences from Bulgaria"April 2008, UN, New York, Commission on Population and Development, Forty-first session Prof. Dr. Vesselin Mintchev, paper "Migration and the Metropolitanization Process in Bulgaria: Trends...December 2008, Plovdiv, organized by ERI-BAS and European College of Economy and Management Prof. Dr. Iskra Christova-Balkanska, paper "FDI and financing the infrastructure in conditions of...October 2008, organized by ERI-BAS and Institute for World Economy at HAS Prof. Dr. Iskra Christova-Balkanska, paper "FDI in Bulgaria and their influence on the economic development of the...June 2008, organized by ERI-BAS Prof. Dr.Sc.(Econ.) Rossitsa Rangelova, paper "The difference between the countries by income level and the problems of the sustainable development" Prof. Dr.Sc...May 2008, Veliko Turnovo, organized by Veliko Turnovo University "St. St. Kiril and Metodii" and ERI-BAS Prof. Dr. Lilia Chankova, paper "Role of complex systems of quality management for the...October 2008, Sofia, international conference "Bulgaria, Latvia, Lithuania and Slovakia - Comparison of industrial transition models", organized by The European economic and social committee Prof. Dr...
200718-20 October 2007, Varna Iveta Gabrovska, paper "Bulgarian wines on EU market - stimuli and barriers"January 2007, organized by Institute of Sociology at BAS and Ministry of Labour and Social Culture and Ministry of Culture Assoc. Prof. Dr. Kapka Stoianova, paper "Ethnic profiles of poverty"23 May 2007, organized by Ministry of Foreign Affairs for 50 years of Roman Pact for establishing the European Communities Prof. Dr. Tatiana Houbenova-Delissivkova, paper "Participation of Bulgaria...31 May - 1 June 2007, Sofia Prof. Dr. Tatiana Houbenova-Delissivkova, paper "The Public Sector Accountability and Institutional Changes within the Concept of the EU Governance”June 2007, organized by UNWE Assoc. Prof. Dr. Radostina Bakardjieva, paper "Social responsibility of the firms in EU"26 October 2007, Sofia, organized by Department "Economic Sciences" of Union of Bulgarian Scientists and UNWE Assoc. Prof. Radostina Bakardjieva, paper "Restructuring of firms and corporate social...31 May - 1 June 2007, organized by Bulgarian Association of Studying the European Community Assoc. Prof. Dr. Radostina Bakardjieva, paper "Corporate social responsibility in European context"29-30 May 2007, organized by Center for Study of Population at BAS, Institute of Social Values and Structures "Ivan Hadjiiski", Ministry of Labour and Social Policy and State Agency for Youth and...4 October 2007, organized by Foundation "Friedrich Ebert" and Institute of Sociology at BAS Prof. Dr. Tatiana Houbenova-Delissivkova, paper "Sustainable macroeconomic convergence of Bulgaria with the...organized by Economic University - Varna Prof. Dr.Sc.(Econ.) Vasil Todorov, paper "Classical theory and sustainable development"18-20 October 2007, Varna Assoc. Prof. Darina Ruscheva, paper "National food security: quality and quantitative dimensions"26 January 2007, Ministry of Labour and Social Policy Prof. Dr. Pobeda Loukanova, paper "Problems on labour market in accession of Bulgaria to the European Union"organized by Agrarian Faculty of Trakia University - Stara Zagora Assoc. Prof. Paraskeva Dimitrova, plenary paper "Policy of European Union for developing the rural regions"31 May - 1 June 2007, organized by Bulgarian Association for Studying the European Community Assoc. Prof. Dr. Radostina Bakardjieva, paper "Corporate Social Responsibility in the European Context"February 2007, Burgas Assoc. Prof. Dr. Spartak Keremidchiev, paper "Three aspects of restructuring the state firms from sector W&S"18-20 October 2007, Varna Prof. Dr.Sc.(Econ.) Nina Yankova, paper "Distinguishing regions for purposeful impact - alternative approach"Economic University - Varna Prof. Dr.Sc.(Econ.) Vasil Todorov, paper "Classical theory and sustainable development"Trakia University - Stara Zagora Prof. Dr.Sc.(Econ.) Vasil Todorov, Assoc. Prof. Paraskeva Dimitrova, paper "Simulation macro forecast for production of the rural regions in Bulgaria, 2007-2013"26 October 2007, Sofia, organized by Department "Economic Sciences" of Union of Bulgarian Scientists and UNWE Prof. Dr.Sc.(Econ.) Rossirsa Chobanova, paper "Opportunities of the Bulgarian science to...26 October 2007, Sofia Assoc. Prof. Dr. Radostina Bakardjieva, paper "Restructuring of firms and corporate social responsibility"21-22 April 2007, Economic University - Varna Prof. Dr. Plamen Tchipev, paper "Has the value of the contemporary economic theory disappeared? An attempt for evolutionary-institutional analysis"March 2007, Dobrich, International College - Albena Prof. Dr. Plamen Tchipev13-25 August 2007, Triavna Prof. Dr. Plamen D. Tchipev, paper "Bulgarian economy 2007 - some focuses"26-27 October 2007, Budapest, organized by Institute for World Economy at HAS Prof. Dr. Stoyan Totev, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Grigor Sariiski, paper "Relocation of labour-intensive branches - convergence,...26-27 October 2007, Budapest, organized by Institute for World Economy at HAS Prof. Dr. Plamen D. Tchipev, paper "Convergence, divergence or the European choice"26-27 October 2007, Budapest, organized by Institute for World Economy at HAS Prof. Dr. Vesselin Mintchev, paper "International mobility of Bulgarian population - challenges and new empirical...12-14 April 2007, Krakow Prof. Dr. Stoyan Totev, Margarita Ilieva, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Spartak Keremidchiev, Poli Rukova, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Grigor Sariiski, paper "Europeanization of the footwear...12-14 April 2007, Krakow Prof. Dr. Stoyan Totev and Assoc. Prof. Dr. Grigor Sariiski, paper "The Changing Geography of Production in Labour Intensive Industries"2-6 November 2007, Porto, Portugal Prof. Dr. Plamen Tchipev, paper "Post-transitional corporate governance"26 March 2007, Gratz, Austria Chief Assist. Dr. Milkana Mochurova, paper "Climate Change Adaptation in Bulgaria – Public Awareness and Capacity Building"12-14 April 2007, Krakow Assoc. Prof. Dr. Spartak Keremidchiev, paper "Europeanization of the shoe industry"21-22 September 2007, Athens, Greece Prof. Dr. Iskra Christova-Balkanska, paper "The impact of foreign direct investments (FDI) on socio-economic diversity in Bulgaria"18 May 2007, organized by Greek Observatory at LSE, London Prof. Dr. Vesselin Mintchev, paper "Returning emigrants: empirical evidence from Bulgaria"28 November 2007, organized by Federation of Science-Technical Unions in Sofia Prof. Dr.Sc.(Econ.) Rossitsa Rangelova18-19 May 2007, Troian, to the National Association for Health Policy and Management Prof. Dr.Sc.(Econ.) Rossitsa Rangelova6 March 2007 Prof. Dr.Sc.(Econ.) Rossitsa Chobanova, paper "Role of investments for the national economic development in the global information society"в Други5 November 2007, organized by Center of Science Study at BAS, Institute of Library Studies and Information Technologies, South Western University Prof. Dr.Sc.(Econ.) Rossitsa Chankova, paper "On the...13-25 August 2007, Triavna Prof. Dr. Plamen Tchipev, paper "Bulgarian economy 2007 - some focuses"organized by Economic Alternatives journal at UNWE Prof. Dr. Lilia Chankova26 May 2007, Sofia, organized together with Foundation "Friedrich Ebert"
200610-11 November 2006, Sofia, international scientific conference "Problems of Demand for Knowledge in the Process of European Economic Integration", with the support of ASOJune 2006, Sofia, Bulgarian-Hungarian conference "Expanding European Union: Macro and Firm Level - Experience and Expectations"June 2006, Drianovo Monastery, scientific conference "Bulgarian in Europe '07", organized with Economic Faculty of Veliko Turnovo University "St. St. Kiril and Metodii"
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